129 examples of neber in sentences

Aun' Patsy neber did 'tend to have a shroud o' bleached domestic like common folks.

Don' you go, an ax an ole man like me if I tinks dat ole miss went away cos you was comin' an' if it's my true b'lief dat she'll neber come back while you is h'yar.

Ise libed in dis place all my bawn days, an' I ain't neber done nuffin to you, Mahs' Junius, 'cept keepin' you from breakin' you neck when you was too little to know better.

I neber 'jected to you marryin' any lady you like bes', an' 'tain't f'ar Mahs' Junius, now Ise ole an' gittin' on de careen, fur you to ax me wot

"She don' neber want nobody to show her nowhar," said Plez, returning with looks of much disapprobation to his business of peeling potatoes for dinner.

An' 'sides dat, you fool Isham, ef she not Miss Annie, wot she come down h'yar fur?" "Neber thinked o' dat!" said Uncle Isham, reflectively.

Peggy squatted on her heels, close to Aunt Judy's side, and thus addressed her: "Aun' Judy, ef I tell you sumfin', soul an' honor, hope o' glory, you'll neber tell?" "Hope o' glory, neber!"

Peggy squatted on her heels, close to Aunt Judy's side, and thus addressed her: "Aun' Judy, ef I tell you sumfin', soul an' honor, hope o' glory, you'll neber tell?" "Hope o' glory, neber!"

She make you think she like you fus' rate, an' den de nex' thing you knows, she kunjer you, an' shribble up de siners ob your legs, an' gib you mis'ry in your back, wot you neber git rid of no moh'.

Don' you come none ob your fool tricks, or she kunjer you, an' one ob your legs curl up like a pig's tail, an' neber uncurl no moh'.

" "Neber die!" ejaculated Peggy.

"Neber die, nohow!" answered Aunt Judy.

I neber seed a man more pow'ful glowerin' dan he is dis ebenin.

"No, massa, neber!"

You ain't neber lovin' nor kissin' nor nottin', when I come aroun'.

We don't know what kind of fee dis we hab at all; for we attorney, Mr. Tate, neber come on we property, leave all to Mr. Comeoy.

"Couldn' none of us read or write, an' us wa'nt neber learned 'til afte' us was set free.

We fight, we die, but we won't be slabes agin, neber.

"Who looked arter you when you war sole from your farder and mudder, an' neber seed dem

" "An' I," said Aunt Linda, "neber did belieb in dem Bible preachers.

" "Well," said Tom, "ef he lob'd you so much, why didn't he set you free?" "Marse Robert tole me, ef he died fust he war gwine ter leave me freedat I should neber sarve any one else.

I'se been yere dese fifteen years, an' I'se neber foun' any troof in dem.

" "I tell you, Bob, de debil will neber git his own till he gits him.

When I seed how he war treating her I neber rested till I got her away.

Her han's look ez ef she neber did a day's work in her life.

129 examples of  neber  in sentences