30 examples of negus in sentences

A SEPARATE ROOM OR CONVENIENT BUFFET should be appropriated for refreshments, and to which the dancers may retire; and cakes and biscuits, with wine negus, lemonade, and ices, handed round.

The juice forms an excellent lemonade with sugar and water; its uses in punch, negus, and in medicine, are well known.

"Here is the negus you wished; I have made it myself, and you will praise it of course.

He succoured in turn the Dauphin of France, the King of England, the Templars of Jerusalem, the General of the Parths, the Negus of Abyssinia and the Emperor of Calicut.

There were more dances, and there were forfeits, and more dances, and there was cake, and there was negus, and there was a great piece of Cold Roast, and there was a great piece of Cold Boiled, and there were mince-pies, and plenty of beer.

And so the door closed behind him, and with a long sigh of relief from everyone, from the Empress to the waiter with the negus, the friendly chatter began once more, with the click of the counters and the rustle of the cards just as they had been before he came to help in the entertainment.

"Davis, Negus," whispers he, on which two of our number leave us and go out to the boat to replace Haroun and that other Moor, who, in the manner of the Turks, had been strangled and cast overboard.

At the Datu's we were treated to chocolate and negus in gilt-edged tumblers, with small stale cakes, which had been brought from Manila.

Driven from this false notion, by a more thorough knowledge of Asia, the European nations fondly transferred the title of Prester John to the half Christian prince or Negus of the semi-barbarous Abyssinians.

Having lost sight of Prester John in Tartary, the Portuguese were delighted with the discovery of a Christian king in Africa, the Negus of Abyssinia; and transferred to him that popular fable.

From Aden, Covilham crossed the straits of Babelmandeb to the south- eastern coast of Abyssinia, where he found Alexander the king, or negus, at the head of an army, levying tribute or contributions from his rebellious subjects of the southern provinces of his dominions.

While we were in Jeypore I read in a newspaper that the Negus of Abyssinia had given Robert Skinner two fine lions to take home to President Roosevelt, and I am sure the maharaja of Jeypore would be very glad to add a couple of man-eating tigers if he were aware of Colonel Roosevelt's love for the animal kingdom.

The company are entertained with lukewarm negus, and the sounds of a paltry piano forte.


Two dustmen were lately disputing the difference between bishop and negus.

"Don't you know?" said one of them; "I vonders at your ignorance vy bishop is made all vine vithout no vater vatsomever; vereas negus is made with vine and vater mixedthat's the difference, to be sure.

I remember him a quiet good sort of man enough: with a bed-room and kitchen in the area of No. 11, New-square; and his dining-room above, serving also for consultations: and his going, now and then, only to have a game of whist and glass of negus at Serle's;but, now, he is a perfect Monsieur Tonson to all continental travellers.

Bishop and Negus, 144.

You allow actors and patrons to mix themselves and their negus there after the play; and this you call a design for exalting the drama.

when the negus was handed round,Well, perhaps her nephews drew largely upon her stock of wine; or the widow possibly thought her young men got too much of that commodity in our parties, and therefore needed it less in her own.

It was a warm, dusty afternoon, and as our friends grew heated and fatigued with the violent and long-continued exercise, a pitcher of raspberry negus was prepared and sent out to them.

Still I do not forget the promise you exacted from "Q." and myself after lunch at the Mitre, on the day when we took our bachelors' degrees togetherthat if in our paths through life we happened upon any circumstance that seemed to throw fresh light on the dark, complex workings of the human heart, or at least likely to prove of interest to a student of his fellow men, we would write it down and despatch it to you, under cover of The Negus.

"If you won't take spirits, Mr. Basil," said he, "you must have a glass of negus.

"What was he after at the minute?making a pudding, wasn't he, in some gentleman's hat?" I uttered a sudden ejaculation, and set down my glass of negus untasted.

But when it comes to grating the nut for negus, we miss the aroma!" "Do you pretend that Bryant is not a poet in the grain, and that the wondrous boy, Willis, was not also 'to the manner born?'

30 examples of  negus  in sentences