104 examples of ner in sentences

"Some folks," he would say, "likes pretty neckties; an' some wears fancy socks; but fer my part I'd ruther show a han'some foot ner anything.

When hit cometh in my thoht Of this worldes joie, how hit goth al to noht. Now hit is, ant now hit nys, it is not. Also hit ner nere y-wys, That moni mon seith soth hit ys,[10] Al goth bote Godes wille, Alle we shule deye, thah us like ylle.

First on Joab that had been prince of his father's host, because he slew two good men by treason and guile, that was Abner the son of Ner, and Amasa the son of Ithra.

Ner. 52), who had seen some of Nero's MSS., speaks of the extreme care that had been given to correction; and the few verses preserved by Seneca make against the estimate of Tacitus and Persius. 4tos.

He heav-ed a deep sigh; for he saw no pot up-on the fire, which ought to have been bub-bling up with their fru-gal din-ner: but, a-las!

As my poor mo-ther gets weak-er, I should work for her; and as I grow in-to a man, she should not work any more, but sit by the fire and get the din-ner rea-dy, which I shall then be a-ble to la-bour for.

With that, Wil-lie en-ter-ed, and soon found that he had plen-ty to do; for his first job was to get the o-gress's din-ner ready, who, in truth, had no de-li-cate ap-pe-tite, for the pro-vi-si-on con-sist-ed of fish, fowl, beef, soup, mut-ton, and ham-pers of ve-ge-ta-bles.

scream-ed she, "I have half a mind to snap you up as I would the wing of a chick-en: and, re-mem-ber from this mo-ment, if my din-ner is short of what I de-sire, I will eat you to make up for what you have o-mit-ted.

But there, un-der the shel-ter of the high corn, were the friend-ly hands work-ing mi-ra-cles; ga-ther-ing up the corn, and put-ting it in-to sheaves in a man-ner that could not be e-qual-led by mor-tal hands.

Between the doors I placed 8 double lions whose weight is 1 ner 6 soss, 50 talents of first-rate copper, made in honor of Mylitta ... and their four kubur in materials from Mount Amanus; I placed them on nirgalli.

They do not sow, nor reap the corn, Gar-ner nor barn have they; God gives them break-fast every morn, And feeds them through the day.

"They shan't nobody take them rooms away from you fer money, marbles, ner chalk.

Nobody's goin' step on yo', ner go triflin' roun' yo' in no way whatsomeveh.

Nipple : Ner-ri-nook.

"Ain't got none for sale ner hire, just now," the harbor-master replied.

4. Correct Burhans, in the division of the following words: "Boar-der, brigh-ten, cei-ling, frigh-ten, glea-ner, lea-kage, suc-ker, mos-sy, fros-ty, twop-ence, pu-pill-ar-y, crit-i-call-y, gen-er-all-y, lit-er-all-y, log-i-call-y, trag-i-call-y, ar-ti-fici-al, po-liti-call-y, sloth-full-y, spite-full-y, re-all-y, sui-ta-ble, ta-mea-ble, flumm-er-y, nesc-i-ence, shep-her-dess, trav-ell-er, re-pea-ter, re-pressi-on, suc-cessi-on, un-lear-ned.

1. Correction of Webster, by Rule 1st:ca-price, e-steem, dis-e-steem, o-blige;a-zure, ma-tron, pa-tron, pha-lanx, si-ren, trai-tor, tren-cher, bar-ber, bur-nish, gar-nish, tar-nish, var-nish, mar-ket, mus-ket, pam-phlet;bra-ver-y, kna-ver-y, sla-ver-y, e-ven-ing, sce-ner-y, bri-ber-y, ni-ce-ty, chi-ca-ner-y, ma-chin-er-y, im-a-ger-y;a-sy-lum, ho-ri-zon,fin-an-cier, her-o-ism, sar-do-nyx, scur-ri-lous,co-me-di-an, pos-te-ri-or.

1. Correction of Webster, by Rule 1st:ca-price, e-steem, dis-e-steem, o-blige;a-zure, ma-tron, pa-tron, pha-lanx, si-ren, trai-tor, tren-cher, bar-ber, bur-nish, gar-nish, tar-nish, var-nish, mar-ket, mus-ket, pam-phlet;bra-ver-y, kna-ver-y, sla-ver-y, e-ven-ing, sce-ner-y, bri-ber-y, ni-ce-ty, chi-ca-ner-y, ma-chin-er-y, im-a-ger-y;a-sy-lum, ho-ri-zon,fin-an-cier, her-o-ism, sar-do-nyx, scur-ri-lous,co-me-di-an, pos-te-ri-or.

When he was here he wouldn't let the men tease Baldy ner me, an' he made the cook give me scraps an' bones ter feed him.

"No, ma'am, but it wasn't very honest t' use the cook's money, ner Mother's; it'll take a long time t' pay 'em back, an' I guess Mother won't have much patience with Baldy after this.

"He's no locomotive like McMillan, ner a flyin' machine like them Tolman dogs an' Irish an' Rover; but you've no idea how powerful an' willin' he is till you've tried him.

" "Well, it ain't McMillan, ner Tom, Dick ner Harry that's goin' t' lose this here race fer the Allan an' Darling team," exclaimed Mart Barclay with vicious conviction.

" "Well, it ain't McMillan, ner Tom, Dick ner Harry that's goin' t' lose this here race fer the Allan an' Darling team," exclaimed Mart Barclay with vicious conviction.

The exceptional girl, who is attended by a man, must dance with him, or if she accepts another part ner, she must ask his permission.

It is the dwelling of Etana, the dwelling of Ner, Of Ninkigal, the queen of the underworld....

104 examples of  ner  in sentences