10 examples of nervous of in sentences

She was becoming a little nervous of Esther lately.

But I have been very unwell and nervous of late.

No doubt they will be glad enough to buy your books in the future; but they will be nervous of trusting you with theirs at the moment."

The lady is thought to be nervous of pickpockets.

When such official proclamations were posted up on the walls of French villages, it is no wonder that the subordinate officers and their men were nervous of the dangers suggested in those documents, and found perhaps without any conscious dishonesty clear proof of civilian plots against them.

He added, that the survivors of my trustees were nervous of an ingenuous character; that my partner could witness my title, my name being registered in the country, by which means I should indefensibly recover considerable sums of money, but, answered, I, how could my trustees dispose of my effects, when I made you only my heir?

He was easily the most nervous of us all, though his lawyer Asche tried repeatedly to reassure him.

Now poor Collins was one of the most nervous of men, morbidly distrustful of himself and his powers.

So, after a blissful interlude, as he saw in spite of the joy they found together, his Ethelrida was still slightly nervous of Lady Anningford's entrance, he got up to say good night, as alas!

"I am a little nervous of offending you," he continued, "and yet I trust you.

10 examples of  nervous of  in sentences