952 examples of nervously in sentences

After treating it thus for a short time, he stroked down its neck, and then its shouldersthe horse eying him all the time nervously.

It backed a good deal at first and snorted, but Crusoe walked slowly and quietly in front of him several times, each time coming nearer, until he again stood under his nose; then the horse smelt him nervously, and gave a sigh of relief when he found that Crusoe paid no attention to him whatever.

Then Mrs. Railton began to talk, rather nervously, and Grace turned to the farmer as the light spread about the room again.

However, his long, supple fingers closed over her wrist like steel and she got quickly and easily to her perch and clung nervously to him.

Sheila asked nervously.

After Cosme's departure Sheila prowled about the silent cabin, began this bit of work and that, dropped it, found herself staring vaguely, listening, waiting, and nervously shook herself into activity again.

It was irony again and Sheila stirred nervously.

As the man sat there nervously smoking his long, "green" cigar, and telling me of the Gómezes, both the white one and the black one, of Macéo and Bandera, he grew positively eloquent.

I waited one, two, three weeks, nervously examining my mail every day, looking for some word from her.

On this point I am nervously sensitive, to a degree which some might think ridiculous.

Tug looked as resolutely as he could into the eyes behind the mask, and asked rather nervously a question whose answer he could have as easily given himself: "Well, now that you're here, what do you want?" Again the disguised voice came deeply from the somber-robed leader: "Oh, we just want to have a little fun with you.

" "That means twenty less to bother us to-night, which is a great comfort," she answered, laughing nervously, for the yapping and howling seemed to be coming nearer and nearer.

The dignity of his breed forbade man-handling, and at a safe distance he stretched himself nervously and yawned.

Of course, he's only an ignorant negro, but on Broadway they don't know that; and it will sound fine!" St. Clair coughed nervously.

In that sense the North would soon have his old crony on the pavement again, with one yellow finger in his button-hole, and another nervously playing at a trigger behind the back.

Some seemed uneasy and careworn, and glanced about nervously; had their countenances not been unalterably yellow, they would certainly have been white.

" Trembling nervously lest she should be discovered, she drew her veil closely over her face, keeping very quiet, and looking intently from the window into the gathering darkness without.

Oh, Margaret, believe it, for the love I had for you, more than for my own ambition;" and the long fingers slid nervously over the bands of shining hair just within her reach.

The suggestion of Vincent nervously worrying over trifles was one of the most repellent pictures that had ever been presented to her imagination.

A bit nervously he returned the telescope to MacDonald.

But he had some sort of blindness towards his fellow-men, so that he never entirely grasped the spirit of everyday life, so that he, who was so copiously intelligent in the things of the study, misunderstood, blundered, was nervously diffident, and wilful and spasmodic in common affairs, in employment and buying and selling, and the normal conflicts of intercourse.

'What doubt can there be of it?' 'They seem to me,' proceeded Rose nervously, 'to be very respectful and very honest.

A man of more than middle height, but much bowed in the shoulders; thin, ungraceful, with an irresolute step and a shy demeanour; his pale-grey eyes, very soft in expression, looked timidly this way and that from beneath brows nervously bent, and a self-obliterating smile wavered upon his lips.

' 'That's just what I can't feel,' exclaimed the tailor, nervously slapping his knee.

he inquired, rather nervously, though his smile and his upright posture did not lack a certain dignity.

952 examples of  nervously  in sentences