18 examples of nest-egg in sentences

Startin' first of the year, I'm going to begin to look to a little nest-egg.

" "You'd give the shirt off your back, Blutch; that's why we can't ever have a nest-egg as long as you're playin' stakes.

Right in the start we found all those b-b-bully p-p-pearls in those mussels we g-g-gathered in the Big Sunflower River, and laid away a n-n-nice n-n-nest-egg in bank for the crowd.

A nest-egg in the bank, a good salary, and a pair of arms that can carry a heavier load than she'll ever be.

I'll furnish as many flowers as you can sell, and Charity ought to get a neat little nest-egg out of the deal.

The pile grew and grew: a woolly lamb, two Noah's arks, bottles and marbles innumerable, a bag of pebbles, a broken steam engine, two china nest-eggs, an orange, a banana and some walnuts, a fishing line, a trowel, a ball of string.

" "Wal, look heredon't ye want a sort o' nest-egg?

"Even imagination needs an occasional nest-egg of reality by way of encouragement.

" "Your ideas are like nest-eggs, Logan, an' you set over 'em like a hen.

"I took the money and banked it with my other savings, feeling rather proud of having such a nest-egg, and making up my mind that when the summer came I would give the girls and the old man such a holiday as they had never even dreamed of before.

You'll never need to give up your housekeeping nest-egg for her again.

My devotion to my legal studies had already brought me a mild distinction; the paternal legacy was a good nest-egg for the incubation of wealth,in short, I was a fair, respectable "party," desirable to the humbler mammas, and not to be despised by the haughty exclusives.

It's our nest-egg.

And I'd rather fund the cash as a nest-egg for Jenny.' "'Archie, you are too absurd!' snapped Cordelia, yet more than half inclined to laugh; for she used to be the jolliest woman in the world before the spray of the Whirlpool got into her eyes.

The field of philology is famous for its mare's-nests; and, if imaginary eggs are worth little, is it worth while brooding on imaginary chalk ones, nest-eggs of delusion?

So they scurried forth and made such good use of the scant time left them, by borrowing, by squeezing both Bickford and the hard-working bookkeeper, and by resource to certain nest-eggs laid by for case of extreme urgency (known among themselves as "fix money"), they scraped together some six thousand more.

" "Nor would it be strange if he had a nest-egg in the savings-bank?" "Knowing him as well as I do, I would be surprised if such was not the fact.

If unlooked-for expenses must be incurred, there is the $500 to draw upon; but do not court the extra outlay: save the nest-egg if possible.

18 examples of  nest-egg  in sentences