3397 examples of nests in sentences

The jealous peasants, not themselves having the right of hunting, and who continually saw Master Abbot passing on his hunting excursions, said, with malice, that "the monks never forgot to pray for the success of the litters and nests (pro pullis et nidis), in order that game might always be abundant.

It is satisfactory to observe that at that period measures were taken to preserve nests and to prevent bird-fowling from the 15th of March to the 15th of August.

Vultures lay two eggs at a time and only once a year: they build their nests on the same kind of places as eagles do, so that it is very hard to find them.

Then shall God's minstrels build their nests in the hearts of a new-born humanity.

Several adventures of this kind have come to my knowledge; and one of them was attended with serious consequences, where both snake and boy fell to the ground, and a broken thigh, and long confinement, cured the adventurer completely of his ambition for robbing woodpeckers' nests.

In the distance sails are gliding, Nightly they to port repair; Bird-like, in their nests confiding, For a haven waits them there.

The trees are bare that surround it; see the rooks' nests in their tops.

We sprang from our nests, shook the hay-seed out of our hair, and were full-dressed without more ceremony, ready for whatever grand sensation Nature might purvey for our aesthetic breakfast.

Swallows build their nests in the roof of the cavern, and the spot is noisy with the harsh cries of countless jackdaws.

Hark to the tiny rustling just beyond the log against which we lie!" "Yes, I hear it, and what do you make of it, Tayoga?" "Rabbits seeking their nests.

The very birds Within their nests are wooing!

Next an impulse seizes them to build nests, then a desire for incubation, then one for the feeding of their young.

The least satisfactory aspect of Parliamentary activity has been the ventilation of silly rumours at Question time, in which Mr. Ginnell has been so well to the fore as to suggest some subtle connection between cattle-driving and hunting for mares' nests.

" CHAPTER VII THE BIRD'S NEST "I wonder why some birds build their nests so very early, when it is cold, and there are no leaves on the trees, while others wait until it is almost summer," said Rap, as they walked down a narrow lane toward the river.

Last summer I found one of their nests, when I wasn't looking for it either.

" "I thought they were alike in a good many things," said Rap, "and their nests are something alike, too.

This family should be very proud of itself, but it does not show any false pride or exclusiveness; its different members are as sociable and friendly as possible, building their nests in bushes not far from the ground, and taking every occasion to chat confidentially with House People.

In and out of the sage, nests and scratches and hops this Thrasher, taking its name from the plant.

Massa Branscomehe were a mighty fine man and your gran'dad, Miss Olivehe say he wouldn't have no puss'n to rob de nests o' Mockers, not anywheres on his 'states.

" "That's a sure sign his nest is not very near," said Rap; "for they never sing close by their nests."

"They are small brownish birds with cocked up tails, not at all shy about showing themselves off, when they choose, but they must have some hiding-place to duck into the moment anything frightens them, and some odd, out-of-the-way nook or cranny for their big rubbishy nests.

"Wrens most always have nests near where they sing.

"By and by when we go to the beach, where our river meets the sea, I will show you some nests.

They build no nests, but have the habit of laying their eggs in the nests of other birds, just as the equally bad-behaved Cuckoos do in Europe.

They build no nests, but have the habit of laying their eggs in the nests of other birds, just as the equally bad-behaved Cuckoos do in Europe.

3397 examples of  nests  in sentences