66 examples of neutralised in sentences

But first he flew to Angelica, and put on her finger the ring which neutralised its effect.

If put on the finger only, it neutralised all enchantment; but put into the mouth, it rendered the wearer invisible.

Poland and Alsace-Lorraine might form part of Russia and France respectively, and still be neutralised by a guarantee of other powers.

A precedent exists for this in the terms of the cession of the Ionian Islands to Greece in 1864, while Savoy, though a province of France, is technically neutralised territory.

The former was neutralised in 1815, the latter in 1867.]

See for the whole question of neutralised States, Lawrence, Principles of International Law, §§ 246-248.]

To win it the enemy's naval force must be neutralised.

If that can be neutralised his power disappears.

Some judges think that the Scotch are more numerous and prosperous here in the South than is quite for the good of us Southerners; and the early inconvenience felt under the Stuarts of being quartered upon by a hungry, hard-working people with a distinctive accent and form of religion, and higher cheek-bones than English taste requires, has not yet been quite neutralised.

The prudence of Marius and a victory over the Peligni gained by Sulpicius were neutralised by the new general's rashness.

The natural inference from the exactness of this coincidence with the language of Matthew as compared with Luke, is not neutralised by the paraphrastic addition from Matt.

By a processwhich, by the way, is not kept secretthe tea is treated with oxygen in such a way that the hurtful tannin is neutralised, while none of the other properties are affected in any way.

By aiming at too much, he has spoiled all, and neutralised what might have been an estimable character, dis

The substitution of law for force has indeed altered the relations of the strong and the weak; the hardening or cooling down of political institutions and social traditions, the fixed and legal track instead of the open pathless field, have removed or neutralised many of those occasions and passages of life, which were formerly the schools of individual character.

After the experience of Luxembourg and Belgium no one now dreams of a neutralised buffer State.

She entered by a forbidden door, one which she had herself forbiddenmarching upon France through neutralised Belgium, where every step was on her broken word.

Her neutralised neighbours resisted, as indeed they, like ourselves, were pledged to do.

A short specimen, both of his criticism and poetry, will convince the reader, that the powers of the former were, as has been often the case, neutralised by the insipidity of the latter; for who can rely on the judgment of a critic so ill qualified to illustrate his own precepts?

The vast material interests bottomed on slavery offset and neutralised the unifying process in the South, while it continued its wholesome work in the North, and thus the clashing of ideas paved the way for the clash of arms.

The sectarian bodies, though neutralised by their own divisions, are ill-affected behind their mask, and would throw it off if they got the opportunity.

A bull-like bellow of laughter burst from the battery; even Captain McDunn's grin neutralised the scowling visage he turned to conceal it.

Neutralised by no previous claims, it now has apparently a positive effect, and accordingly its whole power is exercised; hence it may disorganise the mindthat is to say, be fatal to it.

If compensation is possible, it wipes out the injury; but that bitter addition, "I must submit to that from you," which often hurts more than the injury itself, is only to be neutralised by vengeance.

This one-sidedness is more definitely expressed and exists in a higher degree in one person than in another; so that it may be better supplemented and neutralised in each individual by one person than by another of the opposite sex, because the individual requires a one-sidedness opposite to his own in order to complete the type of humanity in the new individual to be generated, to the constitution of which everything tends....

On entering the world, the lessons that may have been taught about the nobility of self-sacrifice, the reverence due to genius, the admirableness of high integrity, are quickly neutralised by experience: men's actions proving that these are not their standards of respect.

66 examples of  neutralised  in sentences