70 examples of nevski in sentences

A porter carried my bag out of the station, and I drove across the bridge to the large hotel where I had stopped before, the Europe, on the corner of the Nevski Prospect and the Michael Street.

There I engaged a front room looking down into the broad Nevski, had a wash, and then watched at the window for the appearance of the spy.

There is a disagreeable little matter regarding a lady, and I fear a fracas with a man who is awaiting me outside in the Nevski."

" He whipped his horses, and we turned into that maze of dark, ill-lit, narrow streets that lies between the Vosnesenski and the Nevski, turning and winding until we emerged at last into the main thoroughfare again, and then at last we turned into the street I had indicateda wide road of handsome buildings where I knew I was certain to be able to instantly get another drosky.

Her presence in the locality at the same time the Nevski had been in the harbor would fairly prove the correctness of his theory of Miss Dalrymple's whereabouts.

And, believe me, it was not easyto keep your little American inamorata concealed until the Nevski could be repaired and meet us elsewhere than we had originally planned.

Though how one of them could have managed to get aboard the Nevski, he had no time just then to figure out.

"First, you will give orders that the Nevski is to change her courseto head for the nearest American port.

The Nevski, steaming forward at half speed, had come almost to a stop; struck by the masses of water, she had fairly staggered beneath the impact.

The little boat at the side was lowered softly; it touched the water and floated away from the Nevski like a leaf.

Sonia Turgeinov divined his purpose; he was looking for the Nevski.

What had taken place on the deck of the Nevski in those breathless last few moments as they were escaping, was in ill conformity with those amicable relations which should have existed between the two.

You told me very clearly on the Nevski, and before that, on shore.

The last named, reinforced by the small amount Mr. Heatherbloom had left upon reaching the Nevski and of which the prince had not deprived him, would relieve his necessities for the moment.

It showed you when you first arrived its Nevski, its ordered squares, its official buildings as though it would say: "I suppose you will take the same view as the rest.

And I saw the Nevski, that straight and proud street, filled with every kind of vehicle and black masses of people, rolling like thick clouds up and down, here and there, the hum of their talk rising like mist from the snow.

I watched the Nevski, and saw how it slipped into the Neva with the Red Square on one side of it, and S. Isaac's Square on the other, and the great station at the far end of it, and about these two lines the Neva and the Nevski, the whole town sprawled and crept, ebbed and flowed.

I watched the Nevski, and saw how it slipped into the Neva with the Red Square on one side of it, and S. Isaac's Square on the other, and the great station at the far end of it, and about these two lines the Neva and the Nevski, the whole town sprawled and crept, ebbed and flowed.

On the first afternoon of my new liberty I found myself in the Nevski Prospect, bewildered by the crowds and the talk and trams and motors and carts that passed in unending sequence up and down the long street.

Standing at the corner of the Sadovia and the Nevski one was carried straight to the point of the golden spire that guarded the farther end of the great street.

Near the Nevski is a fine shop of pictures with snow scenes and blue rivers and Italian landscapes, and copies of Repin and Verestchagin, and portraits of the Czar.

I threatened him then with the fat and good-natured policeman who always guarded the confused junction of the Morskaia and Nevski, and he was frightened and moved on.

How ludicrous it would be now if I, of all men in the world, carried a baby down the Nevski!

Even the prostitutes had marched down the Nevski the other day demanding shorter hours.

Then, thank Heaven, we crossed the Nevski, and our way was clear.

70 examples of  nevski  in sentences