53 examples of niceness in sentences

No Woman without Vizard in the Nation Can see it twice, and keep her reputation That's certain, Forgetting That he himself, in every gross Lampoon, Her leuder Secrets spread about the Town; Whilst their feign'd Niceness is but cautious Fear, Their own Intrigues should be unravel'd here.

As builders, they exhibit a degree of architectural skill, niceness, and propriety, that would seem even to mock the imitative talents of man, however greatly these are marked by his own high intelligence and ingenuity.

CHAPTER XXI ON THE FRONTIER OF DESPAIR The compulsion of life had denied Jessie the niceness given girls by the complexities of modern civilization.

Maidenly niceness not her motive for the distance she has kept him at.

Yet he thinks he must excuse them, and censure her for over-niceness; for that he never saw men behave better, at least not them.

See, Belford, with so charming a niceness, we might have been a long time ago upon the verge of the state, and yet found a great deal to do before we entered into it.

And though he judges it not fit to lead the Forlorn in vice and profaneness: yet, if he goes about to damp a frolic, there is great danger, not only of losing his Sunday dinner, but also all opportunities of such future refreshments, for his niceness and squeamishness!

And, truly, this did be very good and sound, and such as I should have planned in a moment; for, indeed, I am not over-slow in such matters; only the Maid did be very eager and quick; and it was very sweet to me that she should thus plan; for, in verity, I loved alway the sounding of her voice, and to hear her have speech and to plan and think, and so to show me the workings of her inward self and her dear qualities and human niceness.

And this to be the lovely niceness of the human heart; and I not to have any grumble thereat; but yet, surely, you shall say that this Maid that did be Mine Own, did be very dear and lovely.

You must try to picture them for the sake of their complete niceness.

The man's personal charm, his exceeding niceness, had always conquered that prejudice, whenever encountered.

Very charmingly, and with a wonderful niceness of tone, the Distinguished Visitor accepts the opening that has been given him.) DIST.

Who were able to explain the niceness of the organs by which man discerns the numberless savours and odours of bodies?

Now, who is it that knew how to find, with so much niceness, that proportion, order, and motion that way, and to such a degree, above and below which matter would never think?

But in truth, just as some people, through some disease which has blunted the senses, have no conception of the niceness of food, so men who are lustful, avaricious, and criminal, have no taste for true glory.

MARGARET How bears he up against the common rumour? SANDFORD With a strange indifference, which whosoever dives not into the niceness of his sorrow might mistake for obdurate and insensate.

Davenport informed me of it, and we both took the liberty of blaming the over-niceness of your scruples.

Then, slipping cautiously upon it, and crouching as low as possible, with my left side toward the wall, I steadied myself against the wind with my left hand in a slight notch, while with the right I cut other similar steps and notches in succession, guarding against losing balance by glinting of the axe, or by wind-gusts, for life and death were in every stroke and in the niceness of finish of every foothold.

The amazing expanse of his views, the inexpressible niceness of his discrimination, his unrelaxing anxiety to do justice in every individual case, the kindness of his heart, and the ductility of his ideas, all ensure that attention to every suitor which must necessarily obtain the unbounded admiration and attachment of the virtuous and the wise.

"It doesn't seem as if it could" answered Dodo; "only here at Orchard Farm there is so much niceness you never can tell what is the very nicest.

"There!" exclaimed Dodo; "you see there is more niceness yet!"

"More niceness!" screamed Dodo.

24. 'Whate'er my Muse adventurous dares indite, Whether the niceness of thy piercing sight Applaud my lays, or censure what I write, To thee I sing, and hope to borrow fame, By adding to my page Messala's name.' 468.

Boswell thus relates the incident and the conversation:"The subject of cookery having been very naturally introduced at a table, where Johnson, who boasted of the niceness of his palate, avowed that 'he always found a good dinner,' he said, 'I could write a better book about cookery than has ever yet been written; it should be a book upon philosophical principles.

It's astonishing with what niceness he directs everything in the building way, condescending even to measure the things himself, that all may be perfectly uniform.

53 examples of  niceness  in sentences