Do we say nickel or nickle

nickel 242 occurrences

"Luke's lost a nickel, Red."

"You don't owe us a nickel," he told Jack Harpe.

"I ain't got a nickel, Judge," said Marie.

The animal whirled on a nickel, and reared, hard held, after the first plunge.

If it's like I say, even if Lanpher and Tweezy are trying a game you don't get paid a nickel if Jack Harpe and his cattle ain't in on the deal.

Now we'll have to get out without a nickel.

Suppose that Van Torp wished to do something with the Nickel Trust in Paris, and that I had private information to the effect that he was not a man to be trusted, and that I believed this information, don't you see that I should naturally warn my friends against him, and that our joint weight would be an effective obstacle in his way?' 'Yes, I see that.

But the time came at last when Bamberger had power too, and Van Torp could no longer hold him in check with a threat that had become vain; for he was more than indispensable, he was a part of the Nickel Trust, he was the figure-head of the ship, and could not be discarded at will, to be replaced by another.

For the sake of the Nickel Trust Van Torp's name was not mentioned.

Bamberger felt no affection for his daughter, and saw no reason why she should not be used as an instrument, with her own consent, for consolidating the position of the Nickel Trust.

There had been a fall in Nickel, and for weeks before the explosion I'd been making a considerable personal sacrifice to steady things.

Have you any idea who wrote it?' 'Probably some underling in the Nickel Trust whom Van Torp has offended without knowing it, or who has lost money by him.

Besides, the Nickel Trust had recently absorbed all its competitors to such an extent that it had no rivals at all, and the dangers that threatened it lay on the one hand in the growing strength of the Labour Party in its great movement against capital, and on the other in its position with regard to recent American legislation about Trusts.

The violent attack on him might not affect the credit of the Nickel Trust, but it was certainly not likely to improve it and Mr. Van Torp believed that if his partner had a grudge against him, any attempt at revenge would be made in a shape that would not affect the Trust's finances.

"With cream on itrich yellow creamand plenty of sugar?" "Yes, sir." "Well, I'll bet a nickel that's what we're going to get!"

Gold is declared to be the standard currency, and no creditor is obliged to accept in payment of a debt more than 300 piastres in silver or fifty in nickel.

"Here's a nickel for your poor wife and children.

And she said if I wished I could put a nickel on the missionary plate twenty Sundays, which would be one dollar, and so buy the cloth.

She keeps the nickel with the school pennies, and I take one every Sunday.

" "And you lift your hand so high and drop the nickel very too loud, so all the school can hear, when Amy Swimmer passes you the plate!" cried Hannah Straight Tree.

I am putting on a nickel, and the rest can only give one penny!

The bullet has a sharp point, is composed of a lead core and a jacket of cupro nickel, and weighs 150 grains.

The fouling which results from firing is of two kindsone, the products of combustion of the powder; the other, cupro-nickel scraped off (under the abrading action of irregularities or grit in the bore).

(b) Powder fouling may be readily removed by scrubbing with hot soda solution, but this solution has no effect on the metal fouling of cupro-nickel.

It is merely a smear of infinitesimal thickness, easily removed by solvents of cupro-nickel.

nickle 7 occurrences

And yet, if I had been there, the cleverest thief in Paris, if not in the world, would be safe behind those chrome-nickle steel bars at the Twenty-third Street station, instead of at liberty to go ahead and rob somebody else.

"Did you get nothing out of Jane Merrick's estate?" "Not a nickle, Dad. '

" "I've bought them already, three for a nickle.

Even before the reinforcements under General Nickle appeared, all resistance to the authorities had died away; and, though the Governor at once proclaimed a state of martial law, he was able to recall the proclamation in less than a week.

The coins are: napoleons, (20£), 10 franc and 5 franc pieces in gold; francs and half-franc coins in silver; and 10 centime, 5 centime, (the sou), and 1 centime copper and nickle coins, though the centime is not in general circulation now, being equal to but one fifth of a cent in our money.

She said a nickle looked big as a dollar now.

but I niver lost one nickle, an' dem white folks says I sho' was a honest nigger.

Do we say   nickel   or  nickle