428 examples of nimblest in sentences

Later, a Virginia reel followed, danced with old-time verve, some of the more accomplished dancers bounding over the floor in pigeon-wings, such as were cut by the nimble a hundred years ago, when Richmond danced in honor of Washington and Lafayette.

We looked in vain for magic mirrors by the roadside, overhung with fairy grasses, littered with Autumn leaves, and skated over by nimble water-bugs.

He is nimble as a goat.

There they in their trinall triplicities About him wait, and on his will depend, 65 Either with nimble wings to cut the skies, When he them on his messages doth send, Or on his owne dread presence to attend, Where they behold the glorie of his light, And caroll hymnes of love both day and night.

To these were added a large number of tales from Oriental sources; and in the exuberant imagination of the latter we see the influence which the Saracensthose nimble wits who gave us our first modern sciences and who still reveled in the Arabian Nightshad begun to exercise on the literature of Europe.

High over hills and over dales he fled, As if the wind him on his wings had borne; Nor bank nor bush could stay him, when he sped His nimble feet, as treading still on thorn; Grief, and Despite, and Jealousy, and Scorn, Did all the way him follow hard behind; And he himself himself loath'd so forlorn, So shamefully forlorn of womankind, That, as a snake, still lurkèd in his wounded mind.

Although I mist a happines, I applaud Your nimble wit that securd both our honours.

But were a Man to dare me, and your enemy, My rage more nimble then [the] Median shaft Should flie into his bosome, and your eye Change anger into smiles to see me fight And cut him into a ragged staffe.

So, we are fast enough, and now I have thee Ile tell thee all the fault I find; thou hast A little too much witt to bee a wife; It could not be too nimble for a Mistresse.

He studies by the discretion of his barber, to frizzle like a baboon; three such would keep three the nimblest barbers in the town from ever having leisure to wear net-garters, for when they have to do with him, they have many irons in the fire.

They are nimble in the fancy of some ridiculous thing, and reasonable good in the expression.

Well, he's a nimble gentleman; set him upon Banks his horse in a saddle rampant, and it is a great question which part of the Centaur shows better tricks.

Add to this a quick wit, a generous though spicy temper, and a nimble tongue, and you will not wonder that Miss Diana was a marked character at Mapleton, and that the inquiry who she was was one of the most interesting facts of statistical information.

At the ridotto she must equally feign ignorance of modish dancingshe whose nimble feet had tripped to every measure since she could stand alone.

Nimble little Monkey, Tony, Rides along upon a pony, Followed by a stupid Clown, Who thinks the rain is pouring down.

The count was so enraged to find it had been by monsieur du Plessis he had been disappointed, that he snatched his sword from Louisa, who had all this time held it in her hand, and made so furious a thrust at him, that, had he not been more than ordinary nimble in avoiding it, by stepping aside, it must have infallibly gone thro' his body.

Her teeth the night with darkness dies, She's starr'd with pimples o'er; Her tongue, like nimble lightning, plies, And can with thunder roar.

O'er crackling ice, o'er gulfs profound, With nimble glide the skaters play; O'er treach'rous pleasure's flow'ry ground Thus lightly skim, and haste away.

When the King and his huntsmen saw him again, the Fawn with the golden necklace, they followed him, close, but he was too nimble and quick for them.

Squirrel is the nimblest of them all and he is never still a minute.

When the family moved to the great town, Roderick had as it were to begin his blind lessons over again, for he had to learn to remember all about the rooms and the furniture there; but with a kind little brother or sister always at hand to help him he soon became expert in the town house too, and could run up and down the long flights of stairs with the nimblest of them.

Reaching above our nature does no good; 100 We must fall back to our old flesh and blood; As by our little Machiavel we find That nimblest creature of the busy kind, His limbs are crippled, and his body shakes; Yet his hard mind which all this bustle makes, No pity of its poor companion takes.

A poet's form she plac'd before their eyes, And bad the nimblest racer seize the prize; No meagre muse-rid mope, adult and thin, In a dun night gown of his own loose skin, But such a bulk as no twelve bards could raise, Twelve starv'ling bards of these degenerate days.

She adds that among the company were two Misses Stows, one of whom was a famous pianoforte player; some of the Griesbachs (well-known musicians), who accompanied on the oboe, or any instrument they could get hold of; and herself, who was one of the nimblest and foremost to get in and out of the tube.

She does a lot of things well,—takes cups in golf tournaments and is the nimblest hand at tennis you ever saw.

428 examples of  nimblest  in sentences