2727 examples of no matter in sentences

He was a tireless walker, making the round of his parish every week, no matter what the weather.

" "It is no matter."

Nevertheless he followed the snow-shoe trails until he knew where every unnatural thing lay hidden; and no matter how hungry he was, or how cunningly the old Indian hid his devices, or however deep the new snow covered all traces of man's work, Wayeeses passed by on the other side and kept his dainty feet out of every snare and pitfall.

He is an open, because a fearless enemy; and should he attempt any thing that would make him obnoxious to the laws of society, you might have a fair riddance of him, either by flight or the gallows; no matter which.

Prosperity and success, no matter by what means they were purchased, secured reverence and influence.

Every mouthful of wholesome food that a child eats, at seasonable hours, may be said to tell on every moment of his whole life, no matter how long it may be.

But 'tis no matter, sir; stay you here in this upper chamber, and I'll stay beneath with her: 'tis ten to one you shall hear them talk now of the greatness of her possessions, the care they have to see her well-bestowed, the admirableness of her virtues, all which for all their coming shall be but happiness ordained for you, and by my means be your inheritance.

No matter how unpleasant a thing is to do, begin it and immediately it becomes less unpleasant.

"I'll follow you that far, but you must show me in this room the sharp object with which these men were attacked, no matter what the force behind it.

Bright and merry are hardly the adjectives I should have applied to my soulful countenance and brilliant conversation; but no matter.

It was all he could do to keep himself from catching her in his arms, no matter what might be the consequences, no matter how she might hate him a moment afterward.

He could hold any kind of a ball, no matter how critical the play was, but there was no telling what he would do with the ball after he got it.

" Into the minds of Dora and Miss Panney there came, simultaneously, this idea: that no matter how much or how often Miriam might wear that gown, she would not be the first one whom it had figuratively invested with the prerogatives of the mistress of Cobhurst.

"No,it's no matter.

The curiosity seekers in the audience could not hear, no matter how they craned their necks.

Old 'White Ma' told the overseer, 'Don't never put your hands on her no more no matter what she does.

No matter what happens.

The land belonged to no one tribe, but was hunted over by all, each feeling jealous of every other intruder; they attacked the whites, not because the whites had wronged them, but because their invariable policy was to kill any strangers on any grounds over which they themselves ever hunted, no matter what man had the best right thereto.

The happy medium between the want of air and its excess will not answer the demand, and accordingly the Esplanade, no matter how strongly the wind blows, is a favourite resort.

Every time I bring up the subject of that runaway, she laughs; but she won't say whether it was a runaway, no matter how I sneak the question in.

" CHAPTER XVII "A FINE THING, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS" After the noonday meal, on the day of Captain Horn's departure, Mrs. Cliff went apart with Maka and Cheditafa, and there endeavored to find out, as best she might, the ideas and methods of the latter in regard to the matrimonial service.

If she had gone, no matter; if she was still there, well, he couldn't help it.

Small sleeping done But such is war; No matter, we'll have Fort Donelson.

"No matter what the pang may benor what befals meI will go.

If a brother and sister or a husband and wife drive together, the man, in sheer self-defence, is obliged to put his arm around the woman, no matter how distasteful it may be.

2727 examples of  no matter  in sentences