592 examples of nomination in sentences

It was his nomination to the Curé of St. Marie.

Some said it was a scheme to force the nomination of a certain Republican candidate for President in 1880.

Douglass supported vigorously the nomination of Lincoln for a second term, and was present at his [March 4] inauguration.

Also declined the nomination for governor, tendered by the Democratic State convention, and in 1845 an appointment to the office of Attorney-General of the United States, tendered by President Polk.

Foremost among these is the nomination "by acclamation" of RICHARD STRAUSS as King of the Cannibal Islands.

Besides, I'm trying to obtain the nomination for the office of aldermanto secure it, I must be on the spot; nothing like looking out for oneself.

I'll make it two hundred, and what is more, I'll see to your nomination.

The general would have accepted the nomination for governor of the state, with a vision of a senatorship in the future.

In the British practice, on the other hand, if an eminent man cannot get a nomination in his own county or borough, there is nothing to prevent his standing for any other county or borough.

[Sidenote: Nomination of candidates by congressional caucus (1800-24).

[Sidenote: Nomination conventions.]

They had been nominated at Washington in February, 1816, by a caucus of Republican members of Congress, for no such thing as a national convention for the nomination of a President had as yet been thought of.

But there was no campaign, no contest, no formal nomination.

Because each of the three parties held a national convention for the nomination of candidates. 2. Because a party platform was then used for the first time.

No nomination by congressional caucus.

Gentlemen of the Senate: In pursuance of my nomination of John Jay as envoy extraordinary to His Britannic Majesty on the 16th day of April, 1794, and of the advice and consent of the Senate thereto on the 19th, a negotiation was opened in London.

Even to the last he was, however, fated to disappointment; for not only was this nomination opposed by the Pope, but Villeroy, who desired to see the place bestowed upon one of his own adherents, had sufficient influence with the Regent to induce her to confer it upon M. de Verdun, over whom he possessed an unlimited control.[109]

Direct primaries, caucuses regulated by law, the mode of nomination, nomination papers to be filed in a certain manner, the compulsory service of men as candidates unless they comply with precise formalities of resignation, the joint caucus and the separate caucus, the public nomination paper, the one-per-cent., three-per-cent.

Direct primaries, caucuses regulated by law, the mode of nomination, nomination papers to be filed in a certain manner, the compulsory service of men as candidates unless they comply with precise formalities of resignation, the joint caucus and the separate caucus, the public nomination paper, the one-per-cent., three-per-cent.

Direct primaries, caucuses regulated by law, the mode of nomination, nomination papers to be filed in a certain manner, the compulsory service of men as candidates unless they comply with precise formalities of resignation, the joint caucus and the separate caucus, the public nomination paper, the one-per-cent., three-per-cent.

In the writer's opinion, with the possible exception of the public nomination paper, it is all mistaken.

The movement for the direct nomination of members of the lower house of Congress also exists in many States.

"Direct nomination" of course means a nomination by the mass of voters, either in assembly or by a written list.

"Direct nomination" of course means a nomination by the mass of voters, either in assembly or by a written list.

I did, at her request, but at my own expence, purchase a commodious house, garden and Lotts (of her own choosing) in Fredericksburg, that she might be near my sister Lewis, her only daughter,and did moreover agree to take her land and negroes at a certain yearly rent, to be fixed by Colo Lewis and others (of her own nomination) which has been an annual expence to me ever since, as the estate never raised one half the rent I was to pay.

592 examples of  nomination  in sentences