6 examples of non-beings in sentences

And the former indeed receives its perfection in intelligible and divine forms, and real beings which have a perpetual sameness of subsistence; but the latter looks to that which is formless, and non-being, and which has a various subsistence; and, about this it's visive power is blunted.

At Being and Non-being fret not; but either with calm temper see: Non-being is the term appointed for the most lovely things that be.

At Being and Non-being fret not; but either with calm temper see: Non-being is the term appointed for the most lovely things that be.

I attain a knowledge of God's nature from my own by thinking away from the latter, in which, as in everything finite, being and non-being are intermingled, every limitation and negation, by raising to infinity my positive fundamental powers, posse, cognoscere, and velle, or potentia, sapientia, and amor, and by transferring them to him, who is pure affirmation, ens entirely without non-ens.

The more imperfect a thing is, the more weakened is the divine being in it by non-being and contingency.

everything which contains a limitation or negation, and this includes every particular determination, must be kept at a distance: determinatio negatio est (Epist. 50 and 41: a determination denotes nothing positive, but a deprivation, a lack of existence; relates not to the being but to the non-being of the thing).

6 examples of  non-beings  in sentences