3 examples of non-fulfillment in sentences

We recognize our obligation to the virtue of benevolence, or that God commands it, from the rewards and punishments which we perceive to follow the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the law,the subordination of individual to universal good is the only means of attaining true happiness and contentment.

When you get down South, into Georgia and Alabama, where they never lose any slaves, they are disturbed by the outrages and losses under the non-fulfillment of the fugitive-slave law just in proportion as they have no interest in it, and do not know what they are talking about." [Sidenote] Ibid., Dec. 10, 1860, p. 24.

" For no creed, no form of worship, no act of his life, is a man more directly responsible to God, than for casting his vote or the non-fulfillment of that duty.

3 examples of  non-fulfillment  in sentences