255 examples of none at all in sentences

"No, none at all, except an uncle who has been living in Spain for many years.

'Tis good to have a cloak for the rain; a bad shift is better than none at all; I'll sit here, as if I were as dead as a door-nail.

The grass grew short and in places there was none at all.

To be that you must have plenty of money or none at all, and in either case you are an object to avoid.

" "None at all," assented the prisoner quickly.

Want none at all, got none at allgot what he want.

She has no imagination herself, none at all.

'What is't to us, if taxes rise or fall, Thanks to our fortune we pay none at all.

'None at all' The maid allowed a few seconds to pass before she spoke again.

"None at all," she answered.

" "Ay, I know well enough what you mean, Stephen; though I cannot fancy that Providence cares much whether we shall take a hundred seals to-day, or none at all.

But these are so few, and of so little moment, that we may justly look on our certain general knowledge of substances as almost none at all.

If our knowledge were altogether necessary, all men's knowledge would not only be alike, but every man would know all that is knowable; and if it were wholly voluntary, some men so little regard or value it, that they would have extreme little, or none at all.

"If it's going to be a choice of green bloomers or none at all" She waved the laughing girls away and returned to the knotty problem in accounts she had been working on when interrupted.

Neither of these men lived till the following century, so that personally this evidence is none at all.

Mars has a very scanty atmosphere, the moon none at all, or if there is one it is so excessively scanty that the most refined observations have not detected it.

Pailleron wrote "enormous" scenarios, Meilhac very brief ones, or none at all.

And me, cried one, of knotty front, With many a scar of pride upon't Resolve me if the world opine Philosophers are still divine; That having hearts for friends too small, Or rather having none at all, Profess'd to love, with saving grace, The abstract of the human race?

That he should live with none at all.

It was actually better to work upon some system, however bad, than to work on none at all, and early society had no place for the dissenter.

When, growing tired of their carriage, the Callenders and Mandeville walked, and Kincaid unexpectedly joined them, fairyland was the only name he could find for it, and Anna, in response, could find none at all.

In whatever form manure is given, whether in a dry or liquid form, care must be taken not to administer it in excessive quantities, for too strong a stimulant is as injurious as none at all.

Have you?" "None at all, but" "But what?" "I was the last person who saw him.

And for a further help, he hath a talent of rattling out phrases, which seem to have sense, but have none at all: the usual fate of those who are ignorant of the force and compass of words, without which it is impossible for a man to write either pertinently or intelligibly upon the most obvious subjects.

"Well, 'twas the ould storyletters at first in plenty, then fewer, then none at all.

255 examples of  none at all  in sentences