2416 examples of nonsense in sentences

'That is nonsense,' said Miss More to Margaret in an undertone, for they had both heard what had just been said.

" "Stuff and nonsense!" said Alice loudly.

As for Norman William's destruction of houses and churches to make it hunting ground, that is utter nonsense which never could have been written by anybody that ever saw it: but as to hunting, except his horses wore something like mud-pattens or snow-shoes, it is difficult to conceive it.

I leave it to those who know Indian mythology better than I do, to interpret the meaningor rather the past meaning, for I suspect it means very little nowof all this trumpery and nonsense, on which the poor folk seem to spend much money.

"There you are at your nonsense!

' 'Nonsense, Jack!'

" "Nonsense!" cried Helen Wingate, merrily.

In their enlarged and philosophic minds, in their rapid transition from sense to nonsense, there was an affinity in the characters of Sydney Smith and of Lord Cockburn which was not carried out in any other point.

My ambition is not at present higher than to write nonsense for the playhouses, to eke out a somewhat contracted income.

My biography, parentage, place of birth, is a strange mistake, part founded on some nonsense I wrote about Elia, and was true of him, the real Elia, whose name I took....

Actives and passives jostle in her nonsense, till a deponent enters, like Chaos, more to embroil the fray.

O the new nonsense we shall trifle over there!

" What nonsense seems verse, when one is seriously out of hope and spirits!

I mean that at this time I have some nonsense to write, pain of incivility.

That was not the way he put the question,but whether she would take seriously to this schoolmaster, and if she did, what would be the neatest and surest and quickest way of putting a stop to all that nonsense.

That is either childish nonsense, or a deliberate forgetfulness of what has happened in our own day, under our eyes; in Armenia, in the Balkans; during the repression of the Commune, in colonial wars under new conquistadors in China and the Congo....

There'll be no more nonsense about the case.

uding many well-known Bromidioms now in use BY GELETT BURGESS, S.B. Author of "Goops and How to Be Them," "The Burgess Nonsense Book," "Vivette," &c., &c. WITH DECORATIONS BY THE AUTHOR Note: Decorations replaced with five asterisks * * * * * 1906 NOTE

As for Lewis Carroll, in his classic nonsense, so sulphitic as often to be accused by Bromides of having a secret meaning, his private life was that of a Bromide.

Amongst them is Israeli's new edition; it was not fair in you to show him my copy of his former one, with all the marginal notes and nonsense made in Greece when I was not two-and-twenty, and which certainly were not meant for his perusal, nor for that of his readers.

I do not know what in the world to say, but presume some one has been talking nonsense to him.

Mike created some valuable nonsense on the occasion, which unfortunately has not been preserved, and Esther was disgusted with Henry because he could give no intelligible description of the latest London hats; and all examined with due reverence those wonderful books for review.

" "Oh, nonsense, Dot!

"But if you're jealous of Mike," said Esther, presently, taking up the dropped thread of their talk; "what about Angel?" "Of course it was only nonsense," said Henry.

As many were afterwards of opinion that Henry never again did such good work as these nonsense rhymes, written thus for a frolic,and one hundred and fifty pounds,and as copies of the "Bon Marché Ballads" are now exceedingly scarce, it may possibly be of interest to quote two or three more of its preposterous numbers.

2416 examples of  nonsense  in sentences