7 examples of norths in sentences

One takes such men as Mr. J.D. Rockefeller or Mr. Pierpont Morganthe scale of their fortunes makes them public propertyand it is clear that we are dealing with persons on quite a different level of intellectual power from the British Colonel Norths, for example, or the South African Joels.

The crater wall where the Norths were standing rocked and heaved as if in an earthquake.

The Norths meet murder.

The Norths meet murder, by Richard Lockridge & Frances Lockridge.

The Norths meet murder.

The Norths meet murder, by Richard Lockridge & Frances Lockridge.

There has been nothing of note in Parliament but one slight day on the American taxes, which, Charles Townshend supporting, received a pretty heavy thump from Barré, who is the present Pitt, and the dread of all the vociferous Norths and Rigbys, on whose lungs depended so much of Mr. Grenville's power.

7 examples of  norths  in sentences