148 examples of nouveau in sentences

IOLE Another splendid example of the author's versatility is this farcical, humorous satire on the art nouveau of to-day, Mr. Chambers, with all his knowledge of the artistic jargon, has in this little novel created a pious fraud of a father, who brings up his eight lovely daughters in the Adirondacks, where they wear pink pajamas and eat nuts and fruit, and listen to him while he lectures them and everybody else on art.

On lui avoit donué un Nouveau Testament daus sa langue, il le lut, et s'expliquant, avec respect, sur ce livre, il commence par déclarer que l'ayant examiné fort soigneusement, il n'y avoit pas trouvé un mot d'ou l'on fuit conclure qu'il y eut trois dieux.

Cock with strawberry coronet, product of Art Nouveau!

When the superb mausoleum was built for Lully by his widow, some unknown poet, who hated him for his moeurs infames, scrawled on his tomb these terrific lines: "Pourquoi, par un faste nouveau, Nous rappeler la scandaleuse histoire D'un libertin, indigne de memoire, Peut-être même indigne du tombeau.

This abasement was inflicted on her in the staring gold apartment of the Hotel Nouveau Luxe in which the Rollivers had established themselves on their recent arrival in Paris.

In the light of the autumn afternoon she paused a moment at the door of the Nouveau Luxe, and looked aimlessly forth at the brave spectacle in which she seemed no longer to have a stake.

XXX A few days after her decisive conversation with Raymond de Chelles, Undine, emerging from the doors of the Nouveau Luxe, where she had been to call on the newly-arrived Mrs. Homer Branney, once more found herself face to face with Elmer Moffatt.

The ancient rights of these are safeguarded to the people forever by statute no wealth can defy; and, let any nouveau riche of a landlord try to close one of them, and he has to reckon with one of the pluckiest and most persistent organizations of English John Hampdens, the society that makes the protection of these traditional pathways its particular care.

Nouveau Tableau de Paris, ii. 366, n. 2.

LE NOUVEAU DELUGE, roman par Noelle Roger.

Larousse universal en 2 volumes; nouveau dictionnaire encyclopédique, publié sous la direction de Claude Augé.

ROSTAND, JEAN. L'aventure humaine; du germe au nouveau-ne.

Le Nouveau creve-coeur.

LE NOUVEAU DELUGE, roman par Noelle Roger.

Nouveau petit Larousse illustrée.

Nouveau petit Larousse illustrée.

ROSTAND, JEAN. L'aventure humaine; du germe au nouveau-ne.

Un nouveau theologien, Monsieur Laudet.

Un nouveau theologien, Monsieur Laudet.

Nouveau cours pratique de francais pour commencants.

[Footnote 1: The idea of Voltaire's fable in "Zadig," c. 20, is believed to have been borrowed from Parnell's "Hermit," but Mr. Wright suggests that it was more probably taken from one of the "Contes Devots, de l'Hermite qu'un ange conduisit dans le Siècle," which is published in the "Nouveau Recueil de Fabliaux et Contes."]

At the most, a tale by Charles Cros, La science de l'amour, printed long ago in the Revue du Monde-Nouveau, could astonish by reason of its chemical whims, by its affected humor and by its coldly facetious observations.

These, and similar expressions, are an outgrowth of the partitive genitive, usually found after an indefinite: II n'y a rien de nouveau (that is to say, parmi les choses nouvelles).

Quelque chose de nouveau.

Qu'y a-t-il de nouveau?

148 examples of  nouveau  in sentences