1939 examples of nowheres in sentences

"We'll never get nowheres in this game, hon.

" "Maybe what you call 'somewheres' is what lots of us would call 'nowheres.'

That don't get a girl nowheres.

But, as ever in that age, it did spin if we but stirred the needle, and would stop nowheres with surety, for the flow of the Earth-Current from the "Crack" beneath the Pyramid had a power to affect it away from the North, and to set it wandering.

And then did I think upon the stream, to use it, and I leapt quick therein, and did run very strong down the middle part, which was nowheres so much as thigh-deep, and oft not above mine ankles.

Yet, as you shall perceive, I must come oft pretty near, because that the Gorge was nowheres scarce an hundred good paces across, and did oft come very narrow, so that I did come oft anigh to the fire-holes, whether that I did heed to or not.

And it was gone now of seventeen hours since last we did sleep; but yet did we be ready to go forward, that we come so quick as maybe out of the dark of that Valley; for there did seem nowheres any fire-hole to make a light; only that in this place and that, there did be a little blue shining, as that there burned a strange gas in this part or that.

But she called unto me that I lie backward; for that she did mean gently to spoil me that once; and that I have no heed to the boulder or whether there did be any Monster or Beast anigh in the Gorge; for that the boulder did be safe as I did balance it; and nowheres any Creature to sight in the Gorge; for she had lookt oft, since waking, to this end.

" Th' ain't a sweeter child in'ardly 'n what Sonny is, nowheres, git him to feel right comf'table, an' I know it, an' that's why I have patience with his little out'ard ways.

"Waste time driving out nowheres with an old codger like me?

I've put up in the middle of nowheres to let her get back her wind.

'Don't let me ever see you nowheres within forty mile of London, or you'll repent it.'

My donkey has strayed away and I cannot find she nowheres.

I don't live nowheres now.

And she was sincere; for that was her real belief, and what she had hinted was a mere unthinking repetition of the shallow, comfortable philosophy of most peoplethose "go easys" and "do nothings" and "get nowheres" wherewith Saint X and the surrounding country were burdened.

"'At goat's lived here all his life, deed he has, Mis' Elizabeth, an' he wouldn' feel to home nowheres else!"

Can't you find it nowheres?

And she had nowheres to go and she had always lived with them white folks.

They didn't have to go nowheres to serve the warrant on him.

Sae it was the managers all laughed at the idea of anither, and the one or twa faint tries I made to get an engagement in or near London took me nowheres at a'.

Young nowheres.

Young nowheres.

" We know we've gut a cause, John, Thet's honest, just, an' true; We thought't would win applause, John, Ef nowheres else, from you.

"A man has t' be in the boss business, er he ain't nowheres.

"Could n't go nowheres else.

1939 examples of  nowheres  in sentences