50 examples of nowt in sentences

But it's nowt ov a trade neaw.

i' yo're sufferin', an' dunno give way; They're nowt nobbut ceawards'at run.

Nowt o'th soart;iv we nobbut brace up an' be hard, We can stond a bit longer, aw know.

An' why noa do't?for weel aw know Aw's lose bo' ills, if nowt aw gain.

Aw wish aw wur fur enough off, eawt o'th road, For o' weavin' this rubbitch aw'm getten reet sto'd; Aw've nowt i' this world to lie deawn on but straw, For aw've nobbut eight shillin' this fortnit to draw.

Iv aw turn eawt to steal, folk'll co' me a thief; An' aw conno' put th' cheek on to ax for relief; As aw said i' eawr heawse t'other neet to mi wife, Aw never did nowt

"He fight?he's nowt but a half-baked doctor!" "Happen he'll doctor thy Croxley Champion afore he's through wi't.

But worn'd she as good to cuddle and kiss as a lass as an't nowt? I have always hoped that Sammy rejected his father's counsel and stuck to the poor parson's daughter.

"A stranger would want to see Harkness' books and there's nowt in them as would tempt him to pay a decent rent.

"Since he gets his money for hauling in t' slate, it costs him nowt to tak' a big load back on t' lurry; but, with Redmire bank to clim', it's a terrible loss

"Men seldom give a thowt Te what thor wives indure, Aw thowt she'd nowt te de But clean the hoose, aw's sure.

Or myek me dinner an' tea It's startin' te chow its thumb, The poor thing wants its tit, Aw wish yor muther wad cum." 'What a selfish world this is, Thor's nowt mair se than man; He laffs at wummin's toil, And winnet nurse his awn; It's startin' te cry agyen, Aw see tuts throo its gum, Maw little bit pet, dinnet fret, Aw wish yor muther wad cum.

But Trebeck seed nowt o' him, nor no one else; and what has gone wi' him no one can tell.

I suddn' a sent for yo all this road for nowt.

Yo can do nowt wi' Jimmy.

And 'e's got nowt to coomfort 'im." She sat down to it now.

Nowt to coomfort 'im." Upstairs the scuffling and the struggling became frightful.

T' body's nowt to me.

"There's nowt amiss with her.

Yo'll sha-ame 'im, and yo'll do nowt wi' Jimmy ef 'e's sha-amed.

Did yo think you'd nowt to do but t' laay oop at t' Vicarage an' 'ave th yoong laadies t' do yore wark for yo, an' t' waait on yo 'and an' foot?

" "Eh! Yo saay it's doon, it's doon, an' yo think nowt o' 't. An' nowt yo think o' t' trooble yo're brengin' on mae.

" "Eh! Yo saay it's doon, it's doon, an' yo think nowt o' 't. An' nowt yo think o' t' trooble yo're brengin' on mae.

I'd think nowt of it.

'I dessay yo didn't know nowt about itthat's noather 'ere nor there.

50 examples of  nowt  in sentences