442 examples of nucleus in sentences

(Magnified to the same scale.) A, from proteus, a kind of newt; B, salamander; C, frog; D, frog after addition of acetic acid, showing the central nucleus; E, bird; F, camel; G, fish; H, crab or other invertebrate animal ]

Nerve cells, which may be regarded as the central organs of the nerve fibers, consist of masses of cell protoplasm, with a large nucleus and nucleolus.

A, a medullated nerve fiber, showing the subdivision of the medullary sheath into cylindrical sections imbricated with their ends, a nerve corpuscle with an oval nucleus is seen between the neurilemma and the medullary sheath; B, a medullated nerve fiber at a node or constriction of Ranvier, the axis cylinder passes uninterruptedly from one segment into the other, but the medullary sheath is interrupted.

It should consist of a central nucleus of houses, each with its garden, the churches, schools and public buildings that are requisite, the manufactories and workshops that supply the needs of the community, the shops for sale of those things not produced at home, and all necessary places of amusement.

The nucleus of habitation and industry, together with the surrounding farms, make up the social unit, which is to the fullest possible degree, self-contained, self-sufficient and self-governing.

[It]; juste milieu &c 628 [Fr.]; halfway house, nave, navel, omphalos^; nucleus, nucleolus.

Hamilcar, who had carried on the guerilla war against the Romans in Sicily with so much success, appeared in Libya with the flower of the Sicilian troops, which furnished an admirable nucleus for the newly-levied force.

By a private subscriptionsuch as had been resorted to in Athens also, but not on so magnificent a scalethe wealthy and patriotic Romans equipped a war fleet, the nucleus of which was supplied by the ships built for privateering and the practised crews which they contained, and which altogether was far more carefully fitted out than had hitherto been the case in the shipbuilding of the state.

Taking advantage of the impulse of the nation, they should have made it their aim gradually to establish a naval force important not only in numbers but in sailing power and practice, and for such a purpose they had a valuable nucleus in the privateering that was developed during the long war; but nothing of the sort was done by the government.

Subsequently, after the erection of Macedonia and Gallia Cisalpina into provinces, the superior administration was committed to one of these two governors; the very territory now in question, the nucleus of the subsequent Roman province of Illyricum, belonged, as is well known, in part to Caesar's district of administration.

These Jewish colonies, as we have seen, came from Russia, and as Germany realised, long before the war, they might easily form a German nucleus in the Near East, for they largely consisted of German-speaking Jews, akin in language and blood to a most important element in her own population.

She had announced her intention of going on an excursion with Mrs. Shallum and three or four of the young men who formed the nucleus of their shifting circle, and for the first time she did not ask Ralph if he were coming; but he felt no resentment at being left out.

She told me of her plan of founding a hospital,the long-cherished idea of my life; and said that she had opened a little dispensarythe charter for which was procured during the preceding winter, under the name of "The New-York Infirmary for Indigent Women and Children"on the 1st of May, two weeks before, and which was designed to be the nucleus for this hospital, where she invited me to come and assist her.

She succeeded in calling together a few friends at her house, who determined to form a nucleus for a Fair Association for the purpose of raising money for the New-York Infirmary.

The idea occurred to me to go from house to house, and ask for a dime at each, which, if given, would amount to ten dollars a day; and, with the money thus collected daily for half a year, to establish a nucleus hospital, which, as a fixed fact, should stimulate its friends to further assistance.

The consequence is, that those released from the obligations of the apprenticeship by purchase, instead of being located, and laboring for hire upon the estate to which they were attached, and forming a nucleus around which others would have gathered and settled themselves, they have been principally driven to find other homes, and in the majority of instances have purchased land, and become settlers on their own account.

Thus, this school, instead of becoming the nucleus of a school of natural science, was driven underground.

Pomaré ate the tabu turtle of the temple, and a Christian nucleus was formed, headed by the sovereign.

The true nucleus of this principality, which might, without great call upon the imagination, be called the nucleus of the future Britain, is that wide and fertile valley that extends from the shores of the Solent to Winchester and was colonized by two kindred races.

The true nucleus of this principality, which might, without great call upon the imagination, be called the nucleus of the future Britain, is that wide and fertile valley that extends from the shores of the Solent to Winchester and was colonized by two kindred races.

From this nucleus grew the chorus of The Temple, which was organized in 1891, six weeks before the membership took possession of its new building.

The principal part, or what we might almost call the nucleus of the Inner Temple, is the Hall and Chapel, which were substantially repaired in the year 1819.

A certain "perditious letter," written by Roger Williams himself, serves as the nucleus of this deposit; and we read of another of the documents as being as "full of uncivil

It is suspected that this was intended as the nucleus of a hoard.

Just a nucleus of light at first, like a shimmering mist, but it steadied and brighteneduntil that snowy summit was configured in the midst of her lowlier brethren on the borders of Kashmirand Bedient, turning from his deep reflections, would find the source of the miracle, trailing her glory up from the South.

442 examples of  nucleus  in sentences