115 examples of nuova in sentences

The objection of its being too elegant for shepherds he anticipated and nullified by making Love himself account for it in a charming prologue, of which the god is the speaker: "Queste selve oggi ragionar d'Amore S'udranno in nuova guisa; e ben parassi, Che la mia

Il giovine si sana: ella languisce Di nuova febbre, or agghiacciata or calda.

Mostratemi una sola cortesia, Che mai costei v'usasse, o vecchia o nuova, Per ricompensa e guidardone e merto Di quanto avete già per lei sofferto.

[Lat.]; una scopa nuova spazza bene [It].

On Ghiberti's workshop opposite S. Maria Nuova, in the Via Bufalini, the memorial tablet mentions Michelangelo's praisethat these doors were beautiful enough to be the Gates of Paradise.

To him was due the assembling, under the Uffizi roof, of all the outlying pictures then belonging to the State, including those in the gallery of the hospital of S. Maria Nuova, which owned, among others, the famous Hugo van der Goes.

Chief among the other pictures are two by the delightful Alessio Baldovinetti, the master of Domenico Ghirlandaio, Nos. 60 and 56; and a large early altar-piece by the brothers Orcagna, painted in 1367 for S. Maria Nuova, now the principal hospital of Florence and once the home of many beautiful pictures.

He seems, however, to have recovered, and if ever a picture showed few signs of a deranged or inflamed mind it is this, which was painted for the agent of the Medici bank at Bruges, Tommaso Portinari, who presented it to the Hospital of S. Maria Nuova in his native city of Florence, which had been founded by his ancestor Folco, the father of Dante's Beatrice.

Those who have read the "Vita Nuova," either in the original or in Rossetti's translation, may be surprised to learn that the boy was only nine when he first met his Beatrice, who was seven, and for ever passed into bondage to her.

Who Beatrice was is again a mystery, but it has been agreed to consider her in real life a daughter of Folco Portinari, a wealthy Florentine and the founder of the hospital of S. Maria Nuova, one of whose descendants commissioned Hugo van der Goes to paint the great triptych in the Uffizi.

Of Dante's rapt adoration of his lady, the "Vita Nuova" tells.

A word or two on S. Egidio, the church of the great hospital of S. Maria Nuova, might round off this chapter, since it was Folco Portinari, Beatrice's father, who founded it.

We met on alighting at the door of a large spacious inn, two ladies who had very much the appearance of the two damsels at the inn where Don Quixote alighted and received his order of knighthood; but, in spite of their amorous glances and a decided leer of invitation, I had like Sacripante's steed more need of "riposo e d'esca che di nuova giostra."

There are three principal streets in Genoa, viz., Strada Nuova, Balbi, and Nuovissima.

In fact the streets Nuova, Nuovissima and Balbi are the only ones thro' which carriages can pass.

Carriages are scarcely of any use in the city of Genoa, except to drive from one end of the town to another thro' the streets Nuova, Balbi and Nuovissima; and accordingly a carriage with four wheels, or even with two, is a rare conveyance in Genoa.

The public promenades are on the bastions and curtains of the fortifications, on the Esplanade and in the streets Balbi, Nuova and Nuovissima.

The former is favored by Vera, Mariano, Ragnisco, and Spaventa (died 1885); the Rivista di Filosofia Scientifica, 1881 seq., founded by Morselli, supports the latter, and E. Caporali's La Nuova Scienza, 1884, moves in a similar direction.

With rather Stentorian voices they have been singing a dialogue which is most elaborately entitled a "Canzonetta Nuova, sopra un marinaro che da l' addio alla sua promessa sposa mentre egli deve partire per la via di Levante.

SEE La vita nuova di Dante Alighieri R67734.

v. 3-4. © 25Oct22, A683910; 11Dec22, A690579. R66991-66992, 11Sep50, The W. H. Anderson Co. (PWH) LA VITA NUOVA DI DANTE ALIGHIERI; edited with introd., notes and vocabulary by Kenneth McKenzie.

Landscapes as decoration may be seen on the walls of the so-called Casa Nuova at Pompeii.

p. 345, also an elaborate essay, 'L'Orfeo del Poliziano alla corte di Mantova,' by Isidoro del Lungo, in the Nuova antologia for August, 1881, and A. D'Ancona, Origini del teatro italiano, ii.

Ciampi, Nuova Antologia, tom, iii., p. 69.]

IGNAZIO CIAMPI: Pietro Martire d'Anghiera, in volume xxx of the Nuova Antologia, 1875.

115 examples of  nuova  in sentences