233 examples of nuremberg in sentences


Rothenburg has it; and it is with Rothenburg, that little gem of medievalism, that Nuremberg is likely to be compared in the mind of the modern wanderer in Franconia.

For, apart from the beauty which Nuremberg owes to the wonderful grouping of her red roofs and ancient castle, her coronet of antique towers, her Gothic churches and Renaissance buildings or brown riverside houses dipping into the mud-colored Pegnitz, she rejoices in treasures of art and architecture and in the possession of a splendid history such as Rothenburg can not boast.

To those who know something of her story Nuremberg brings the subtle charm of association.

He, you may be sure, was lost in the woods while hunting near Nuremberg, and passed all night alone, unhurt by the wild beasts.

The origin of the very name of Nuremberg is hidden in the clouds of obscurity.

Whether the Emperors claimed any rights of personal property over Nuremberg or merely treated it, at first, as imperial property, it is difficult to determine.

Gradually around the castle grew up the straggling streets of Nuremberg.

From one cause or another a mixture of races, of Germanic and non-Germanic, of Slavonic and Frankish elements, seems to have occurred among the inhabitants of the growing village, producing a special blend which in dialect, in customs, and in dress was soon noticed by the neighbors as unique, and stamping the art and development of Nuremberg with that peculiar character which has never left it.

But it seems probable that these rights were not taken away again from Nuremberg.

That mixture of races, to which we have referred, resulted in remarkable business energyenergy which soon found scope in the conduct of the business which the natural position of Nuremberg on the south and north, the east and western trade routes, brought to her.

In the war between father and son Nuremberg was loyal, and took the part of Henry IV.

He had given up the struggle, and his undutiful son succeeded as Henry V. to the Holy Roman Empire, and Nuremberg with it.

The growing volume of trade is further illustrated by a charter of Henry V. (1112) giving to the citizens of Worms customs' immunity in various places subject to him, among which Frankfort, Goslar and Nuremberg are named as royal towns ("oppida regis").

In the time of Maximilian II., when Nuremberg may be supposed to have been in the very height of its glory, this Citadel must have been worth a pilgrimage of many score miles to have visited.

With a rock for its base, and walls almost of adamant for its supportsituated also upon an eminence which may be said to look frowningly down over a vast sweep of countrythe Citadel of Nuremberg should seem to have bid defiance, in former times, to every assault of the most desperate and enterprising foe.


BY CECIL HEADLAM Nuremberg is set upon a series of small slopes in the midst of an undulating, sandy plain, some 900 feet above the sea.

The houses of the merchant princes, richly carved both inside and out, tell of the wealth and splendor of Nuremberg in her proudest days.

[Footnote A: From "The Story of Nuremberg."

The great round towers of Nuremberg are more properly, in fact, detached keeps than portions of a combined system, rather observatories than effective defenses.

The Hartmann Schedel Chronicle, for instance, gives Nuremberg 365 towers in all.

Not at Nuremberg.

If, in the past, Nuremberg has been only too anxious to turn his works into cash, to-day she guards Albert Dürer's house with a care and reverence little short of religious.

When I was a child, I sometimes received for a New Year's present one of those Nuremberg boxes containing a whole miniature German city.

233 examples of  nuremberg  in sentences