20 examples of nusse in sentences

I backed him over all the carryin' places between Little Tupper's and the Saranacs once, when he was too lame and weak to walk, and nussed him for a month afterwards.

I was sent from Washington in the same train, but the old chap that got Jones removed did all the nussing.

This man had given Serrière an order prohibiting the printing of any article signed "Nusse."

I see just as clear as daylight how I'd nussed up every little trouble till it growed to a big one,how I'd sp'ilt Russell's life, and made him wretched,how I'd been cross to him a great many times when I had ought to have been a comfort; and now it was like enough I shouldn't never see him again,nor baby, nor mother, nor Major.

She nussed me a spell when he was a little feller, an' jest arter she went away we missed the whistle.

"It's got about that she saved my life by 'er careful nussing, and the way she shakes 'er 'ead at me for risking my valuable life, as she calls it, going up to London, gives me the shivers.

"It's got about that she saved my life by 'er careful nussing, and the way she shakes 'er 'ead at me for risking my valuable life, as she calls it, going up to London, gives me the shivers.

Who was it, d'ye think, as nussed of you, and cared for you, all through, and laid out your clothes ready brushed and folded, and went and got you a cab the day as you come back here?

Why, honey, I nussed you, an' nussed yo' mammy thoo her las' sickness, an' laid her out w'en she died.

Why, honey, I nussed you, an' nussed yo' mammy thoo her las' sickness, an' laid her out w'en she died.

ter Europe, er Irope, er Orope, er somewhere er 'nother, 'way off yander, an' come back here las' year an' sta'ted dis yer horspital an' school fer ter train de black gals fer nusses.

"Look a-here, gal," said Mammy Jane sternly, "I wants you ter understan' dat you got ter take good keer er dis chile; fer I nussed his mammy dere, an' his gran'mammy befo' 'im, an' you is got a priv'lege dat mos' lackly you don' 'preciate.

All the chillun I nussed is married and grown now.

I nussed two babiesmy mistress' baby and her sister's baby.

Of course I hed ter work and den I went ter nurse foh Dr. Fairleigh and nussed his daughter Madge.

I stayed up dere in de camp for de longes' time a-waitin' on de sojers an' nussing de sick ones.

Dey nussed my mistis' two twins.

Come in an' have a drink with your ol' friend Bill as nussed you when you was a baby!" I asked to be excused; for I hadn't learned to drink more than a thin glass of rum and water, and that only when I got chilled.

But Rube had stayed heah faithful, Stayed by his massa's side, And nussed him in de fever

"And I suppose you've piloted round and dry-nussed every tramp and dead-beat you've met since you came here," continued Lance, with unmistakable ill humor.

20 examples of  nusse  in sentences