25 examples of oaf in sentences

"Why, thou great oaf!

A lanky lad, about seventeen years old, he was evidently the oaf or hobbedehoy of the family, just as he would have been on this side of the sea; was treated as such; and was accustomed to be so treated.

Meanwhile, the oaf had not even savoir faire enough to ask for my second.

Ah, it was delicious to have the great oaf sitting sulking under my fingers, longing to knock my head off, and I plastering away, with words of deepest astonishment and condolence.

Hence many an oaf, by Nature doom'd to shine The unknown father of an unknown line, If haply shipwreck'd on some desert shore Of Folly's seas, by man untrod before, Which, bleak and barren, to the starving mind Yields nought but fog, or damp, unwholesome wind, With loud applause

"All the oaf knows!"

With a little trouble we made out to examine the papers without Bartleby, though at every page or two, Turkey deferentially dropped his opinion that this proceeding was quite out of the common; while Nippers, twitching in his chair with a dyspeptic nervousness, ground out between his set teeth occasional hissing maledictions against the stubborn oaf behind the screen.

this oaf of six-foot-one!

Few of them will be found for public use, Except you charge an oaf upon each house, Like the train bands, and every man engage For a sufficient fool, to serve the stage, And when, with much ado, you get him there, Where he in all his glory should appear.

"Time was, when none would cry, that oaf was me.

"Time was, when none would cry, that oaf was I."Dryden cor.

But now all this to limbo flies; What wonder that to-night I cries 'NewBreadfor Old?' "Good Sir, the Baker hath a soul And loves to make bread pleasant The Twist, the long Vienna Roll, The Horseshoe and the Crescent, The Milk, the Tin, the lovely loaf Where currants one discovers, The Wholemeal for the country oaf, The Knot for all true lovers.

Then an oaf saw and lusted at the sight.

Meanwhile I let him talkhe was a boastful, egotistical oaf, as might have been expectedand I flattered and admired him until he fairly purred with self-satisfaction.

The Dean is so absurd an oaf, that he deserves to be ridiculed.

The particular lines I mean are those in which he says: "Then I went indoors, brought out a loaf, Half a cheese and a bottle of Chablis; Lay on the grass and forgot the oaf Over a jolly chapter of Rabelais.

Few of them will be found for public use, Except you charge an oaf upon each house, Like the train bands, and every man engage For a sufficient fool, to serve the stage.

By this time the great oaf had come back to the door of the house, and now stood alternately rubbing his elbow and rear, with an expression ludicrously penitent, at once puzzled and kindly.

And you, Hugo Gottfried, like a great oaf, thinking all the time how innocent and sweet andoh, I have no patience with you!to neglect

And there, our Michael, great oaf, sits at home desolated that he does not hear her foot on the stairs.

It was only the poverty of taste shown in being seen in the open High Street of Thorn along with such an oaf as Michael Texel.

"Jan Lubber Fiend!" cried the Lady Ysolinde; "what do you here?" The oaf grinned his awful, writhed smile and wriggled his great body after the manner of a puppy desirous of the milk-platter.

and the Duke bowed upon his knee and touched with his lips the great ring upon his Majesty's hand; "I did engender with a brain unwebbed by wine, a body ample of strength and health, my soul absolved, my heart palpitant with pure love and rich intention; but corruptible Nature hath adulterated and brought forth an oaf, to which I lay no claim" "Egad!

"Then, your Majesty, to be brief, I have raised for thee the subsidies thou were too modest to ask the House for" "Odd's fish, and this is thine oaf; oaf, callest thou it, when it has brought unspeakable joy to thy King?

"Then, your Majesty, to be brief, I have raised for thee the subsidies thou were too modest to ask the House for" "Odd's fish, and this is thine oaf; oaf, callest thou it, when it has brought unspeakable joy to thy King?

25 examples of  oaf  in sentences