245 examples of objector in sentences

*** "I decline to have anything to do with the War," said a Conscientious Objector to a North of England magistrate, "and I resent this interference with my liberty."

he supposes some querulous objector to inquire.

The "treachery" is all the greater if the objector is a workman or a workwoman.

Whether the servant died under the master's hand, or after a day or two, he was equally his property, and the objector admits that in the first case the master is to be "surely punished" for destroying his own property!

But the objector asks, "Would not the Israelites use their word ebedh if they spoke of the slave of a heathen?"

If, as the objector's argument assumes, one part of "the heathen round about" were already held as slaves by the other part, such of course were not doomed to slavery, for they were already slaves.

But, the objector finds small gain to his argument on the supposition that the covenant respected merely the fugitives from the surrounding nations, while it left the servants of the Israelites in a condition against their wills.

Granting for argument's sake, that slaves are "private property," and that to emancipate them, would be to "take private property" for "public use," the objector admits the power of Congress to do this, provided it will do something else, that is, pay for them.

Thus, instead of denying the power, the objector not only admits, but affirms it, as the ground of the inference that compensation must accompany it.

So far from disproving the existence of one power, the objector asserts the existence of twoone, the power to take the slaves from their masters, the other, the power to take the property of the United States to pay for them.

As the objector can and does believe all the preceeding facts, if he still 'can't believe' as to the cruelties of slaveholders, it would be barbarous to tantalize his incapacity either with evidence or argument.

Having shown that the incredulity of the objector respecting the cruelty inflicted upon the slaves, is discreditable to his consistency, we now proceed to show that it is equally so to his intelligence.

If the objector still reiterates it, he shall have the last word without farther molestation.

But, says the objector, do you mean to say that I swear to support the Constitution, not as I understand it, but as some judge understands it?

In this calculation, besides making a donation of all the fractions to the objector, we have left out those numerous local festivals to which frequent allusion is made, Judg. xxi. 19; I Sam. ix. etc., and the various family festivals, such as at the weaning of children; at marriages; at sheep shearings; at circumcisions; at the making of covenants, &c., to which reference is often made, as in 1 Sam. xx.

But, the objector finds small gain to his argument on the supposition that the covenant respected merely the fugitives from the surrounding nations, while it left the servants of the Israelites in a condition against their wills.

To give the master a right to sell his servant, would annihilate the servant's right of choice in his own disposal; but says the objector, "to give the master a right to buy a servant, equally annihilates the servant's right of choice."

The objector's principle of interpretation is a philosopher's stone!

But let us look at the objector's inferences.

Whether the servant died under the master's hand, or after a day or two, he was equally his property, and the objector admits that in the first case the master is to be "surely punished" for destroying his own property!

As the objector can and does believe all the preceeding facts, if he still 'can't believe' as to the cruelties of slaveholders, it would be barbarous to tantalize his incapacity either with evidence or argument.

Having shown that the incredulity of the objector respecting the cruelty inflicted upon the slaves, is discreditable to his consistency, we now proceed to show that it is equally so to his intelligence.

The Peers were surprised to hear from Lord COURTNEY that he was not of the creed of the conscientious objector.

The conscientious objector in America.

The conscientious objector in America.

245 examples of  objector  in sentences