245 examples of objectors in sentences

On such occasions, if objectors grew troublesome, the Bishop would thunder, "Brethren, I smell a heresy!"

I argue with neither of the objectors.

To those puny objectors against cards, as nurturing the bad passions, she would retort, that man is a gaming animal.

Knowing as well as the objectors what has been just stated, he must necessarily have meant, that 'Mr. Garrick did not as a critick make Shakspeare better known; he did not illustrate any one passage in any of his plays by acuteness of disquisition, or sagacity of conjecture: and what had been done with any degree of excellence in that way was the proper and immediate subject of his preface.

A chance for one of our slim conscientious objectors.

He marveled, he stormed, that his projects should encounter objectors, but consoled himself with the reflection that the man who is worth enemies has them, and revenged himself by attacking and tearing to pieces any project, good or bad, presented by others.

The objection of the Christiansthey and the Jews were the only objectorsto the worship of the Emperors was, in the eyes of the Romans, one of the most sinister signs that their religion was dangerous.

From these remarks I except the last paragraph of s. 12: (As to the prayer for Bishops and Curates and the position of the General Thanksgiving, &c.) which are defects so palpable and so easily removed, that nothing but antipathy to the objectors could have retained them.

As to the objection, that the lower forms of life ought, on Darwin's theory, to have been long ago improved out of existence, replaced by higher forms, the objectors forget what a vacuum that would leave below, and what a vast field there is to which a simple organization is best adapted, and where an advance would be no improvement, but the contrary.

Against this doctrine, however, arises another class of objectors, who say that happiness, in any form, cannot be the rational purpose of human life and action; because, in the first place, it is unattainable: and they contemptuously ask, What right hast thou to be happy?

The objectors perhaps may doubt whether human beings, if taught to consider happiness as the end of life, would be satisfied with such a moderate share of it.

And this leads to the true estimation of what is said by the objectors concerning the possibility, and the obligation, of learning to do without happiness.

It is no proof of generosity (say the objectors) to take the bread of the laborer, to lavish it in banquetings on the rich.

c. Truly, after the foregoing array of facts and testimony, and after the objectors' forces have one after another filed off before them, now to march up a phalanx of northern visitors, is to beat a retreat.

Colon, from what takes its name, for what used, in what year adopted in England, its utility maintained against some objectors, Rules for the use of, used by some between numb. of chap.

" "There was a long and interesting debate on the imprisonment of conscientious objectors in the House of Lords."The Times.

A little disappointed, perhaps, the Peers betook themselves to their own Chamber, there to hear Lord PARMOOR discourse upon the woes of conscientious objectors.

That there is an elliptical bridge at Florence is allowed, but the objectors maintain, that its stability is so much doubted, that carts are not permitted to pass over it.

This retort was supposed to close the mouths of all objectors of properly decorous mind.

For ourselves we embrace the theory of Mr Mill: yet we are aware that the remark just cited from Sir W. Hamilton represents the dissatisfaction entertained towards it by many objectors.

But objectors of this class do not seem to reflect that it is also, in strictness, true that we know nothing about the composition of any body whatever, as it is.

He pleases, in order that He may show his long-suffering" in putting off their condemnation to a future dreadful day: and especially, that to all objectors it is a sufficient confutation"Nay, but O man, who art thou, that repliest against God?"

In replying to objectors, I have been carried beyond my narrative, and have written from my present point of view; I may therefore here complete this part of the argument, though by anticipation.

English, say the objectors, is spoken more or less everywhere, while Gaelic will never be able to claim the position of a quasi-universal language.

And God forbid (say these objectors) that there should be a real separate interest between the bishops and Clergy, any more than there is between a man and his wife, a king and his people, or Christ and his Church.

245 examples of  objectors  in sentences