64 examples of obsequiously in sentences

The executioner attended him obsequiously; but this athletic savage, though trained to acts of cruelty, and conscious he had a legal sanction for the barbarous violence he had exerted, could not behold without shuddering the meek and gentle Missionary of Compassion.

Doctrines and designs which a few years since could find no mouthpiece out of a bar-room, or the piratical den of a filibuster, are now clothed with power by the authentic response of the bench of our highest judicatory, and obsequiously iterated from the oracular recesses of the National Palace.

And Sarrion passed out, while Father Muro held the door open rather obsequiously.

Allow me to introduce you to my excellent friend, Padre Bugiardo!' The padre rose, bowed obsequiously, 'was overwhelmed with delight at being at last introduced to one of whom he had heard so much,' sat down again, and poured himself out a bumper of sherry; while the vicar commenced making the best of a bad matter by joining in the now necessary business of eating.

Hilary, seeing himself thus beset, obsequiously declared that he had no wish to take aught from the kingly honour and dignity, which he had always bent every effort to magnify and increase; but Henry bluntly retorted that it was plain to all that his honour and dignity would be speedily removed far from him by the fair and deceitful talk of those who would annul his just prerogatives.

In the background several of the maîtres d'hôtel had gathered obsequiously around.

He sidles obsequiously towards his hero and, with utter irrelevancy, propounds a question of theology, a social theory, a fashion of dress or marriage, a philosophical conundrum: "Do you think, sir, that natural affections are born with us?" or, "Sir, if you were shut up in a castle and a newborn babe with you, what would you do?"

THE TURKEY [Coming forward surrounded by a number of the barnyard constituents, obsequiously.]

I entered, and was immediately confronted by a liveried janitor who bowed obsequiously.

Towards the end of the same year, he was accosted, while leaving Court one afternoon, by a chuprássi (orderly) attached to the magistrate-collector's person, who salámed obsequiously and said that the Bara Saheb wished to see him at once.

Upon this, Chowles, whose manner showed he was more than half intoxicated, took off his hat, and bowing obsequiously to the grocer, said, "Shall I prepare you a coffin, Mr. Bloundel?you are sure to want one, and had better give the order in time, for there is a great demand for such articles just now.

At the offices, on the first floor, they were received obsequiously and informed that Mr. Conolly was within.

"The men I seek must exist: where are they? How make an acquaintance, when one obsequiously bows himself away, as I advance?

"But surely, at your service, Chief," replied the old man, obsequiously.

In fact I can take you everywhere, show you everything, and" here my companion's military manner suddenly seemed to change into something obsequiously and strangely familiar"it won't cost you a cent; not a cent, unless you care" I understood.

As the Queen-mother lay upon her couch the minister stood obsequiously beside her, beneath the crimson canopy by which she was overshadowed, occasionally dropping upon his knee in an attitude of profound and affectionate respect; a voluntary homage to which Marie replied by conversing with him in the most endearing terms; addressing him more than once as mio caro!

Nevertheless, the younger man was greatly shocked when through the door, obsequiously openedand held open while a man might count fifty, so that eye and mind grew expectantthe great statesman, the People's Minister at length appeared.

he announced obsequiously.

I humbly request you to be seated," Mr. Escrocevitch said obsequiously.

Just exactly nine," Escrocevitch obsequiously helped him out.

The coroner smiled, as he stopped to light a cigar from the pipe of a dirty admirer, and then, bowing obsequiously to the group, he stalked off in a rowdy way in the direction of his expected dinner.

" "Your excellency is a paragon of courage," replied the servant, obsequiously.

Men whom he had covered with wealth and honors, who had most obsequiously courted his smiles, and been most vehement in their protestations of fidelity, were the first to leave him in his misfortune, forgetting, in their anxiety to conciliate his successor, to make the slightest stipulation for the protection of their benefactor.

Trenta obsequiously placed a footstool at her feet, a cushion at her back.

" Monsieur Marmot, murmuring profuse thanks, bowed and bowed again, and followed Monsieur le Préfet obsequiously to the door.

64 examples of  obsequiously  in sentences