175 examples of obsession in sentences

The complex, the neurosis, the compulsion, the obsession, the slip of speech, the trick of manner, the devotion of a life-time, the culture of a nation all furnish bits for the Freudian mosaic.

That is their obsession, the confusion of the sex instinct, the instinct for sex life and satisfaction in the relation of the male to the female, with the maternal instinct.

Hypersecretion of the ovary will cause a sexual susceptibility and a mood of genital obsession, capable of the most remarkable sublimations and perversions.

Lumping the phenomena of amnesia, somnambulism, hypnotism, anesthesia, obsession and hysteria into the grand group of mental dissociations and disintegrations, he achieved a unification never considered possible before him.

For disturbances of menstruation, psychic fears, anxieties, states of suspicion and obsession, various pains are among the penalties.

The thought of her sat now in Martha's heart, an obsession, almost a worship.

This prejudice, common to the medical profession on account of patents interfering with profits, was, in Dr. Callandar's case, almost an obsession.

He fought against the obsession of the prediction and kept repeating: "No! No!

"Have you ever experienced the sort of mental obsession which gradually causes the brain to be mastered by some single absurd ideaan idea almost insane, and one which your reason and your will alike repel, but which nevertheless gradually blends itself with your thought, fastens itself upon your mind, and grows and grows?

Elections, law-making, and getting and holding office, have become an obsession and they shadow our days.

The spirit of Christ is not in it, but the malice of Satan working upon the better natures of men and justifying in the name of conscience and principle what are frequently the workings of self-will and pride and intellectual obsession.

Speculation along this line may be dangerous, even unjustifiable; certainly it introduces the peril of an attempt to intellectualize what cannot be apprehended by the intellectual faculty, an effort which has been the obsession of modernism and has resulted in spiritual catastrophe.

Possession or obsession of Devils.

The other species of this fury are enthusiasms, revelations, and visions, so often mentioned by Gregory and Bede in their works; obsession or possession of devils, sibylline prophets, and poetical furies; such as come by eating noxious herbs, tarantulas stinging, &c., which some reduce to this.

Colin still woke every morning to his dread of some blank, undefined disaster; but, as if Queenie and the war had made one obsession, he was no longer haunted by the imminent crash of phantom shells.

" Martin Dyke, under the impulse of his persistent obsession, looked up hopefully.

You have really done a great thing, and I congratulate you; for you have emancipated yourself, at least to some extent, from the great finger-print obsession, which has possessed the legal mind ever since Galton published his epoch-making monograph.

" "It is simply becoming an obsession with you!" urged Morrison.

"Yes, it's becoming an obsession with me," agreed Page thoughtfully.

Let us have tea somewhere.' Not until dinner did I recover from the obsession of that continual slaughter and destruction of beautiful life.

Jack Weinman (E); 23Oct61; R283726. Obsession.

Magnificent obsession.

She would have thought so, indeed, but for the memory of the perplexed and distracted face of her mother, the cringing and broken spirit of her who missed truth through an obsession of love.

It was not until human reason at last awoke after the long slumber of the Middle Ages that this dreadful obsession gradually passed away like a dark cloud from the intellectual horizon of Europe.

Passion blinded and deafened me to all whispers of decency; conscience lay stunned within me, and I think I know now what black obsession drives men's bodies into murder and their souls to punishments eternal.

175 examples of  obsession  in sentences