40 examples of octoroons in sentences

In the first place, we (the excursionists,) chartered a yacht, two Hands that knew the Ropesthey looked as if they might have been acquainted with the Rope's Endand a small Octoroon of the male persuasion as waiter.

When you first told me you loved me, you did not know I was an octoroon, and aslave.

but she stopped at the first line, for she recollected how her father had checked her in the midst of that frisky little song; and now that she knew they were octoroons, she partly comprehended why it had been disagreeable to him.

All at once he said, "Fitzgerald, did you ever find those handsome octoroon girls?" "What octoroon girls?" inquired the other.

All at once he said, "Fitzgerald, did you ever find those handsome octoroon girls?" "What octoroon girls?" inquired the other.

His visitor accordingly began by telling of Mr. Royal's having formed one of those quadroon alliances so common in New Orleans; of his having died insolvent; and of his two handsome octoroon daughters having been claimed as slaves by his creditors.

"What the deuce do you suppose I care about his octoroon daughters?" interrupted Mr. Bell, impatiently.

It also recalled a certain octoroon girl named Ida May, and an intimacy with her which it still moved and saddened Peter to think of.

As Peter Siner stood blinking his eyes, he saw the octoroon's shoulders and breasts shake from the sobs, which her white blood repressed to silence.

The octoroon, perhaps, had other criteria by which to judge a man than his success or mishaps dealing with a pettifogger.

"Still, Cissie, I ought to have used the greatest care" "I'm not talking about what you 'ought,'" stated the octoroon, crisply; "I'm talking about what you are.

You don't imagine" The octoroon opened her dark eyes until she might have been some weird.

The mulatto became aware that his whole crusade had been undertaken in behalf of the octoroon.

Peter could imagine all the endless tweaks to Cissie's pride Niggertown would give the octoroon.

The octoroon's imprisonment came to an end on the third day after Tump's death.

mulatto; terceron^, quarteron^, quinteron^ &c; quadroon, octoroon; griffo^, zambo^; cafuzo^; Eurasian; fustee^, fustie^; griffe, ladino^, marabou, mestee^, mestizo, quintroon, sacatra zebrule

I have been told the story of the beautiful Octoroon, who loved and trusted you, who shared your good and evil fortunes for the most desperate years of your life, was almost accepted as your wife, and whose strangled corpse was found in the harbour while the bells were ringing for your marriage with a rich planter's heiressthe lady who, no doubt, now patiently awaits your return to her native island.'

Lesbia, his lordship's story of the Octoroon is a fablean invention of my Cuban enemies, who hate us old Spaniards with a poisonous hatred.

He was young and had seen the daughters of the South; Louisiana Creoles with a touch of old French grace; dark-haired Habaneras with languid eyes, whose movements were a delight to watch; octoroons ready to welcome a lover who was altogether white, and half-breed Indian girls.

The words "quadroon" and "mestizo" are employed in some of the law books, tho not defined; but the term "octoroon," as indicating a person having one-eighth of Negro blood, is not used at all, so far as the writer has been able to observe.

In the third generation, applying the same rule, the entire population would be composed of octoroons, or persons only one-eighth Negro, who would probably call themselves white, if by this time there remained any particular advantage in being so considered.

Cuban-English or Cuban-German blondespromenading with Negro officers in gorgeous uniforms; or octoroon beauties with hair in natural crimp, riding in carriages beside white husbands or lighting up an opera box with the splendor of their diamonds.

When this had persisted for enough generations to produce children of less than octoroon infusion, some of these doubtless cut their social ties, changed their residence, and made successful though clandestine entrance into white society.

My mother had, when I was about six years old, taken a little octoroon girl of three, the illegitimate daughter of a quadroon in our neighborhood, with the intention of bringing her up as a servant.

Because of the easy accessibility of Dion Boucicault's "The Octoroon; or, Life in Louisiana," it was thought best to omit this Irish-American playwright, whose jovial prolixity enriched the American stage of the '60's and '70's.

40 examples of  octoroons  in sentences