2 examples of oecus in sentences

The garden could be converted, after the Greek fashion, and under a Greek name, into a peristylium, i.e. an open court with a pretty colonnade round it, and if there were space enough, you might add at the rear of this again an exedra, or an oecus, i.e. open saloons convenient for many purposes.

See Ludi Novemdiales Novas homo Numa Nummularii Obaerati Oecus Officiis, De (Cicero's) Operarii Opifices Oppia, lex Oppius Mons Oratore, De (Cicero's) Ordo equester; senatorius Oseans, the Ostia Ovid Pacuvius Palatine hill Palliatae, fabulae.

2 examples of  oecus  in sentences