65398 examples of off in sentences

On the 11th of December he was suddenly informed that he was to be brought before the Convention; and from that day forth he was cut off from all intercourse with his family, even his wife being forbidden to see or hear from him.

Francis Smethurst, who had quite shaken off his somnolence, spoke with a curious nasal twang, and with an almost imperceptible soupçon of foreign accent, He calmly denied Kershaw's version of his past; declared that he had never been called Barker, and had certainly never been mixed up in any murder case thirty years ago.

'He went to Brighton last night, and left me in charge, and now this thief has been and' "The tramp shrugged his shoulders and suddenly, without a word, he quietly began taking off his coat and waistcoat.

I could not hear what direction he gave the driver, but the fly certainly drove off towards the racecourse.

Not content with shaking off the yoke of the emperors, who had hitherto exercised the power of appointing the pope on every vacancy, or at least of ratifying his election; he undertook the arduous task of entirely disjoining the ecclesiastical from the civil power, and of excluding profane laymen from the right which they had assumed of filling the vacancies of bishoprics, abbeys, and other spiritual dignities [a].

Funniest thing Bob ever got off."

"We're goin' to get the freight off now.

"Yes, Mass' Bob," she said, and she and Peter moved off of the launch onto the wharf-boat.

Presently in the hullabaloo, Peter heard Dawson Bobbs's voice shouting: "Aunt Mahaly, if you kain't call off this dawg, I'm shore goin' to kill him.

Then she bent her grizzled, woolly head and mumbled off one of those queer old-fashioned graces which consist of a swift string of syllables without pauses between either words or sentences.

"Seems to me lak you is mighty onobsarvin' fuh a nigger whut's been off to college.

It was Siner's plan to commandeer free labor in Niggertown, work off the timber, and have enough money to build the first unit of his school.

"Don' reckon nobody could git a deed off on you wid stoppers in it, does you?"

He said if I sold you my land, you'd put up a nigger school and bring in so many blackbirds you'd run me clean off my farm.

A stab of pain cut off Peter's breath.

When you mus' ma'y, I's 'speckin' you to go off summuhs an' pick yo' gal, lak you went off to pick yo' aidjucation."

When you mus' ma'y, I's 'speckin' you to go off summuhs an' pick yo' gal, lak you went off to pick yo' aidjucation."

Peter walked to the gate, let himself out, and started off on his constitutional.

At the next corner he made some excuse to Jim Pink, and turned off up an alley.

(She goes off, right; he stands at the door, looking toward the hill until she returns with a glass of milk, a plate of cookies.)

Manius Valerius caused the victory which he obtained over the Carthaginians and Hiero in 491 off Messana(74) to be depicted on the side wall of the se

When Anderson comes home, it takes a very long time for his silly wife, Judith, to acquaint him with a situation that might have been explained in three words; and when, at last, he does understand it, he calls for a horse and his boots, and rushes off in mad haste, as though his one desire were to escape from the British and leave Dudgeon to his fate.

The rogues below thought the Evil One was descending the tree, and ran off, leaving everything behind them.

The man took his hat off, and put the little fellow on the ground by the wayside, and he leapt and crept about a little between the sods, and then he suddenly slipped into a mouse-hole which he had sought out.

That part of the District therefore, which includes the cities of Washington and Georgetown, can lay claim to nothing with which to ward off the power of Congress.

65398 examples of  off  in sentences