3219 examples of offended in sentences

She was not at all offended.

The possibility of a great change being introduced by very slight beginnings may be illustrated by the tale which Lockman tells of a vizier who, having offended his master, was condemned to perpetual captivity in a lofty tower.

"If I should pretend to be deeply offended and tell Thomas to show you the door, what could you say for yourself?"

CASSAN'DRA, daughter of Priam, gifted with the power of prophecy; but Apollo, whom she had offended, cursed her with the ban "that no one should ever believe her predictions.

I was sore and offended for a few days; but I soon began to see, and ever more and more clearly, that she was wholly right.

"I had heardwell, some one said that" "Speak out, General; I shall not be offended.

[Turning to Nato offended:]

[Goes toward middle door; some ladies follow; others stand offended.

His manner offended her.

After the meeting, an elderly lady I had never seen before, put something in my hand saying, 'You will not be offended, dear, will you?'

Meantime, our author having no settled means of support, except his small landed property, and having now no assistance to expect from his more wealthy kinsmen, to whom, probably, neither his literary pursuits, nor his commencing them by a panegyric on the restoration, were very agreeable, and whom he had also offended by a slight change in spelling his name, seems to have been reduced to narrow and uncomfortable circumstances.

Only through the mediation of death could Maggie be reconciled to those she had offended; death alone could heal the social wounds she had made, and restore her as an accepted and ennobled member of the corporate existence of humanity.

And after that she was greatly offended and had to be apologised to, and the prospect of ever trying the Food of the Gods upon tadpoles in their flat at any rate vanished completely in the apology.

Ulysses appeared offended by the lightness and cruelty of his companion.

Are you offended because I wished to compare you with that clown?...

And he said no more, wrapping himself in offended silence, relieving his Neapolitan verbosity with a series of shouts and grunts to his horse.

And he finally took refuge in offended silence, while they chattered continually behind his back.

And he forgot to be offended, gloating over the probable generosity of a gentleman in such good company.

Freya turned her back, as if the memory of her passage through that den offended her.

Freya, motionless, with drowsy eyes, and a knee between her crossed hands, held herself aloof, understanding the conversation, but without taking any part in it, as though she were offended at the forgetfulness in which the two men were leaving her.

Thus, when he made bold to praise her elocution, she was not offended, and, although she ignored his request to continue the "Scornful Lady," Anne proved sufficiently mistress of the interruption to astonish the intruder by her "discourse and sprightly wit."

This was so well done, that it offended Mr. Justice Overdo, who, in the midst of our whole audience, was (like Quixote in the puppet show) so highly provoked, that he told them, if they would move compassion, it should be in their own persons and not in the characters of distressed princes and potentates.

Here she is promptly detected by the offended goddess and sentenced to do battle against one of the fiercest of the Erymanthian boars.

Madame Desjardins, mortally offended with M. Dorinet on the score of Rosalie's legs, also prepared to be gone; while M. Philomène, convicted of hair-dye and brouillé for ever with "the most disagreeable girl in Paris," hastened to make his adieux as brief as possible.

"Pardon, Monsieur," she says, "but you forget that I am in your debt." "Andand do you really insist..." She looks at me, half surprised and half offended.

3219 examples of  offended  in sentences