20 examples of offi in sentences

Oh, good Sir, take your Cerberuses offI do confess, the Captain here, and I have violated your Fame.

Stand offI do abhor thee Sir Cau.

"Please let me offI do so hate that sort of thing!"

"Head him offI see!" "Hold fast!" exclaimed Blake, as the conductor does when a trolley car goes around a curve.

[Dyeth. Offi.

As soon as I heard him say what he did, I was glad to get offI felt cheap enough, now mind, I tell you any one could have bought me for a shilling.

And if he threw it offI did not stop to reason any more, but sprang from the mare with my heart beating the pas-de-charge.

I put her offI didn't actually refuse.

Teddy put on steamBarlow let goTeddy went offI held onthis is what remained.

There were pipers to play me offI mind the way they skirled.

[Exit Page. 2 Offi. 'Tis Don Duarte.

Cannot a man fall into one of your drunken Cellars, And venture the breaking on's neck, your trap-doors open, But he must be us'd thus rascally? 1 Offi.

Cannot I break my neck in my own defence? 2 Offi.

Row in the Gallies, after all this mischief? 2 Offi.

Pray Gentlemen, allow me but that liberty To speak a few words with your prisoner, And I shall thank you. 1 Offi.

Royal. Offi.

"Go on offI don't want nothing of yuh," he admonished the horse, which turned and looked at him inquiringly.

I think if I can show you what I mean, you can throw it offI have heard you say rather solemn things about books!

I have a brown hat onat least it was brown when we set offI am just wondering, therefore, with a sort of stupid curiosity, why the rill that so plenteously distills from its brim, and so madly races down my cold nose, should be sky blue, when I perceive that Barbara has left her shelter, and her lover, and is standing beside me.

Yet in spite Of pleasure won, and knowledge not withheld, There was an inner falling offI loved, Loved deeply all that had been loved before, More deeply even than ever: but

20 examples of  offi  in sentences