24 examples of offshore in sentences

His notion of the precise location of the owner's estate was rather indefinite; he had gathered from gossip that it was on the Connecticut shore of Long Island Sound, between New London and New Haven, where a group of small islandsalso the property of Mister Whitaker Monkprovided fair anchorage between Sound and shore as well as a good screen from offshore observation.

to think man ever Comes too near his homeHood The ship that was to carry us swung at the buoy a quarter of a mile offshore, and there were row-boats waiting to take us to her.

His dog would jump into the raft, and the man would push it out, swimming slowly, until they were a hundred yards offshore.

They took a walk and watched an osprey bring fish back to a nest of sticks high in a tree on an island just offshore.

By the time breakfast was cooked and eaten they picked up the Reindeer, which was hove to and working offshore to the south and west.

The lighthouse-keeper at the Farralones mentions having sighted the two sloops Wednesday morning, clawing offshore in the teeth of the gale.

A white-winged yacht lay offshore, her sails in slack folds.

As the boat drew offshore, she saw two women in white come down toward the float, meet Abbey, and turn back.

Only at rare intervals did sail or smoke dot its surface, and then far offshore.

The Panther swung offshore.

Fyfe warned her once about getting offshore in the canoe.

A faint breath of an offshore breeze fanned her, drifting the canoe at a snail's pace out from land.

"Only please remember not to get offshore in a canoe again.

"Will you remember not to drift offshore again?

The dead stillness of the day vanished before a hot land breeze, and Stella, as she felt the launch drift, knew by her experience on the lake that they were moving offshore.

There was no choice, therefore, and I determined to stand close in, when, should no suitable offer, it would always be in our power to ware offshore.

In the same year, aggressive actions against offshore, Nationalist-held islands increased.

First of all you must realize that this point of observation would, in those days, have been offshore, on the shallow water of Yerba Buena Cove.

By sceptic spell were never stilled; Take me to that far-offshore, Where lovers meet to part no more; There doubt, and fear and sin are o'er, The star of love shall set no more.

Several boats were drawn up on the beach, by a creel of nets and some lobster pots, while Olaf's sharpie was anchored in deep water a little way offshore.

Some Sea Ducks are more plentiful than their river brethren; and as they spend both their days and nights offshore, they run less danger of extermination.

For three days in the middle of the month we experienced light north-westerly winds dying away again in the evening, and on the 25th a violent squall from the same quarter accompanied by very heavy rain rendered it expedient that the ship should next day be moved a cable's length further offshore.

On the night of the 2d I reached Hampton Roads, found the Secretary of State and Major Eckert on a steamer anchored offshore, and learned of them that the Richmond gentlemen were on another steamer also anchored offshore, in the Roads, and that the Secretary of State had not yet seen or communicated with them.

On the night of the 2d I reached Hampton Roads, found the Secretary of State and Major Eckert on a steamer anchored offshore, and learned of them that the Richmond gentlemen were on another steamer also anchored offshore, in the Roads, and that the Secretary of State had not yet seen or communicated with them.

24 examples of  offshore  in sentences