5 examples of ohe in sentences

'Ohe, you rascal, you rake that up against me, do you?

The roof of green thatch was supported on a score of the slender pillars of the ohe, the golden bamboo, and there were neither sides nor doors.

The Brown And Black Sons Of France Passing through one tent hospital an Algerian called out to me: "Ohe, la blonde, viens ici!

1. I strike on my drum, I the skillful singer, that I may arouse, that I may fire our friends, who think of nothing, to whose minds plunged in sleep the dawn has not appeared, over whom are yet spread the dark clouds of night; may I not call in vain and poorly, may they hear this song of the rosy dawn, poured abroad widely by the drum, ohe!

" "Ohe! Panè! panè! panè!"

5 examples of  ohe  in sentences