46 examples of oilskin in sentences

"After the old man had turned him down for good, Slade fished down in his warbag and hauled out an old tattered document from an oilskin case.


"Out o' the way, you women!" called a burly fellow who wore a green sweater and an oilskin hat; "we don't want to hurt you if we can help.

His cap, which had a badge in front, was greasy, and he carried an oilskin coat.

Oilskins hung to the deck beams, swung here and there at strange angles, while the single slush lantern dangled back and forth like the pendulum of a clock.

From a pocket next his shirt he drew a small package in oilskin.

Then, when I had made an end of writing, I gave the leaf to the bo'sun, and he enclosed it in the oilskin bag, after which he gave the signal for those in the hulk to haul on the smaller line, and this they did.

Presently, they signed to us to pull in again, the which we did, and so, when we had hauled in a great length of their line, we came to the little oilskin bag, in which we found lint and bandages and ointment, and a further letter, which set out that they were baking bread, and would send us some so soon as it was out from the oven.

Now having, as I have said, completed the letter, I went out with it to the bo'sun; but, before placing it in the oilskin bag he bade me add a note at the bottom, to say that the big rope was all fast, and that they could heave on it so soon as it pleased them, and after that we dispatched the letter by means of the small line, the men in the hulk hauling it off to them so soon as they perceived our signals.

And so, when my letter was completed, we put it up in the little oilskin bag, and signaled to those in the ship to haul in upon the line.

A minute afterwards a young fisherman, dressed like his mates in blue jersey and oilskin cap, planted himself on the other end of the seat which I had selected.

I'm not afraid to die,' he added humbly and reverently, as he took off his oilskin cap.

As I looked at the brown fishermen who had taken off their oilskin caps, as I glanced at the earnest face of the preacher, as I noticed how even children, like little Marjorie beside me, were singing with all their heart and soul the simple plaintive words, I felt strangely solemnized.

" Her shapely hand clutched my wet oilskins as the yacht plunged from the back of an enormous swell, and I was so busy noting the beauty of the hand that I had no eye for the sallow face that peeped from the companion.

Consistent in his odd tastes, the child set aside a ruddy faced lad, who was proposed as the drawer of this carriage, and selected instead, his grandfather, Glubb by name, a weazen, old, crab-faced man, in a suit of battered oilskins, who smelt like a weedy sea-beach when the tide is out.

Ere the knotty point is settled in his mind, a voice from beneath a hat with an oilskin top sounds in his ear, "Move on, sir, don't stop the pathway!"

He wore the brown, oilskin-like, two-piece suit of the Chinese of southern China, and he had no teeth and no hair, and his eyes would not stay open.

Then Ken went forward, to find his father, wearing a rough black oilskin, combining the duties of look-out and skipper.

It was a frightful gap, to be sure,but not bigger than was necessary to admit of an oilskin-covered parcel, a pound at least in weight, a parcel full to the brim of treasonable matter, revolutionary pamphlets, regulations of secret societies, and what not.

Wilson writes: I must say I enjoyed it all from beginning to end, and as one bunk became unbearable after another, owing to the wet, and the comments became more and more to the point as people searched out dry spots here and there to finish the night in oilskins and greatcoats on the cabin or ward-room seats, I thought things were becoming interesting.

The officers and crews were dressed like fishermen from the northern coast with waterproof suits of one piece and oilskin hats.

They wore oilskins and tarpaulins, just like the North Sea fishermen, smacking of fuel and tempestuous water.

But it was fun going under them, and those oilskin coats and caps are most becoming.

*enamorarse de* fall in love *encaje* m. lace *encajera* f. lacemaker *encantador* charming *encaramar(se)* perch *encargado de negocios* m. chargé d'affaires *encargar* intrust; *se* take charge; *se del mando* assume command *encargo* m. charge; request *encender* light *encerado* (pp. of *encerar* wax) m. oilcloth, oilskin *encerrar* shut up; shut in; lock up *encierro* m. confinement *encontrar

Shops close here and there (Madame Marôt's shutters have been put up by the boy in the oilskin apron more than an hour ago), and the chiffonnier, sure herald of the quieter hours of the night, flits by with rake and lanthorn, observant of the gutters.

46 examples of  oilskin  in sentences