41 examples of ologies in sentences

But the utmost you can recall about his wife is that she is one of a whole flock of ologies.

Pass in mental review all the ologies you can assemble.

Be on the lookout for ologies as you read, as you listen.

For you no longer pass the ologies by with face averted or bow timidly ventured.

The ologies, like the ports (above), are a haughty clan; they are the wooed, rather than the wooing, members of most marital households that contain them.

Hence you labor under a severe handicap as you take the census of the ologies.

For you could look up in the dictionary the ologies you your self had been able to recall.

Secondly, you could perhaps obtain cross-references to yet other ologies than those you remembered.

The ologies, arrogant as they are, sometimes are the applicants for matrimony, and the marriage registry of the dictionary so indicates.

Thus by studying two words, conchology and eugenics, you have for the first time placed yourself on an intimate footing with three verbal familiesthe ologies, the eu's, and the gens.

Observe that though you studied the ologies apart from the eu's and the gens, your knowledgeonce you have acquired itcannot be kept pigeonholed, for the ologies have intermarried with both the other families.

Observe that though you studied the ologies apart from the eu's and the gens, your knowledgeonce you have acquired itcannot be kept pigeonholed, for the ologies have intermarried with both the other families.

Our girls are acknowledged to be uncommonly pretty, witty and wise, but some of us wish they had more health and less excitement, more domestic accomplishments and fewer ologies and isms, and were contented with simple pleasures and the old-fashioned virtues, and not quite so fond of the fast, frivolous life that makes them old so soon.

I shall overhaul my terminologies, and, with the "metaphysical aid" of my cousin, fit it with a scientific name which shall overtop all the ologies.

I sigh for the good times of sewing and spinning, Ere this new tree of knowledge had set them a sinning; The women are mad, and they'll build female colleges, So here's to plain English!a plague on their ologies!

"Ologies of all kinds from morning to night.

Merely to glance around and gather scraps of knowledge from the various, "ologies" in existence, which the "march of intellect" has brought into being, and which were unknown to our forefathers; and then to force them on the young memory at random, may be to teach what was not before taught, but it is not to display any new method of teaching; any more efficient way of communicating knowledge.

He talked with menot to meabout the birds and the trees and the sunsets, and then about the deeper things of life, until, before I realized it, I was sane and sensible once more, serene and happy in the simple faith of my childhood, with all the isms and ologies a mere bad dream in the dim past.

If we quite boldly face the fact that hard positive methods are less and less successful just in proportion as our "ologies" deal with larger and less numerous individuals; if we admit that we become less "scientific" as we ascend the scale of the sciences, and that we do and must change our method, then, it is humbly submitted we shall be in a much better position to consider the question of "approaching" sociology.

The assistant read a list of 'ologies and 'ographies.

" As Lewisham filled up the form with his multitudinous "'ologies" and "'ographies," a youth of ducal appearance entered and greeted the precise young man in a friendly way.

The 'ologies and 'ographies were taken down with polite surprise at their number.

What I mean is something the 'Ologies don't include.

Why don't you study theology?" "Look a yere, boy, I'se been a preachin' dese thirty years, an' you come yere a tellin' me 'bout studying yore ologies.

Mr. Davis knew any quantity of Greek, Latin, algebra, and ologies of all sorts, so he was called a fine teacher; and manners, morals, feelings, and examples were not considered of any particular importance.

41 examples of  ologies  in sentences