2611 examples of on the table in sentences

" "Isn't he a fine fellow, James?" says the Colonel, lighting a cheroot as he sits on the table.

" John Effingham received the package from his young friend, placed the lights conveniently on the table, put on his spectacles, and invited Paul to be seated.

He put the paper on the table, picked up his hat, and stole slowly from the room.

A wounded man on entering had probably placed his hand on the table on the spot where the newspaper lay.

The Minister of Munitions put his head down on the table and shrieked.

" He put his mug on the table and, ignoring the stillness of the summer air, sheltered the flame of a match between his cupped hands and conveyed it with infinite care to the bowl of his pipe.

" Mr. Leeds placed the cloth on the table again and turning toward his illustrious audience, asked them, "Are you satisfied?

He made Peter and John drink from the chalice which he held in his hand, and then placed it again on the table.

And now we must hurry and get these things on the table.

" Molly moved a plate on the table with some vehemence.

The abolitionists again petitioned the Legislature at its session begun in January, 1837; especially, that it should remonstrate against the resolution of Mr. Hawes, adopted by the House of Representatives in Congress, by which all memorials, &c, in relation to slavery were laid, and to be laid, on the table, without further action on them.

There was my book lying just where I had left it and the reading lamp still burning on the table, just as it had been, and my chair just where I had pushed it back.

The bottle was brought, I laid it on the table, and then told him, as he was spitting very much, (a general custom among the Indians when they are eager for anything,) if I drank it all at one sitting it would cause me to spit in earnest, as I used it only when I ate, and then very moderately; but though I loved it, if his heart was very poor for it, I should be silent, and not the least grudge him for pleasing his mouth.

There were generally tea-things and jam-pots on the table.

When seated in the large cabin of his ship opposite his mate, he leaned his elbows on the table and commenced to chew on a great cigar that had just gone out.

I then went to my chest in older to find some, where Heaven, no doubt, directed me to find a cure for both soul and body; for there I found one of the Bibles, which, till this time, I had neither leisure nor inclination to look into, I took both the tobacco and that out of the chest, and laid them on the table.

He selected from these a slip; it was one of those which Mr. Thomasson had surprised on the table in the room at the Castle Inn.

DRISCOLL (as he places writing materials on the table)

" The letter was deposited in a small iron box on the table, and the duke left the room, followed closely by the lords and pages.

" His cousin reached forward suddenly, and catching him by the collar of his coat pinned him down on the table.

' Saunders, who had rested the box on the back of a chair, placed it gently on the table, assisted by Isaac.

Had William Geake made her a better? (Husband?)here he dropped the Bible down on the table again as if it burned his fingers.

The softly moving and attentive Brownster put the candle on the table, blew it out, and touched a button, thereby lighting up a very handsomely furnished room.

On the table was the paskha, a sweet paste made of eggs and cream, curds and sugar, a huge ham, a large cake or rather, sweet bread called kulich, and a big bowl full of Easter eggs, as many-coloured as the rainbow.

"One axe looks like another," he then said, and laid it unconcernedly on the table.

2611 examples of  on the table  in sentences