65360 examples of once in sentences

At Torontoy, the end of the cultivated temperate valley, we found another group of interesting ruins, possibly once the residence of an Inca chief.

Under dense forests, wherever the encroaching precipices permitted it, the land between them and the river was once terraced and cultivated.

Huadquiña once belonged to the Jesuits.

They all agreed that "if only Señor Lopez Torres were alive he could have been of great service" to us, as "he had prospected for mines and rubber in those parts more than any one else, and had once seen some Inca ruins in the forest!"

Since no other ruins of a Spanish quartz-crushing plant have been found in this vicinity, it is probable that this once belonged to Don Christoval de Albornoz.

We met at the gobernador's an old Indian who admitted that an Inca had once lived on Rosaspata Hill.

The names of those who once lived here were known to fewer and fewer of the natives.

It was he who said that the Inca Tupac Amaru once lived at Rosaspata.

Once we had to dismount, as the path led down a long, steep, rocky stairway of ancient origin.

I am willing to admit that this was the first time that I had ever knowingly tasted their delicate flesh, although once in the capital of Bolivia I thought the hotel kitchen had a diminishing supply!

When once they accepted money, however, their own custom and the law of the land provided that they must carry out their obligations.

" On top of the promontory was the ruin of a small, rectangular building of rough stone, once probably an Inca watch-tower.

I was not surprised to learn that they went away from home only "about once a month.

It seems probable that, owing to its inaccessibility, the canyon had been unoccupied for several centuries, but with the completion of the new government road settlers began once more to occupy this region.

It was this new road which offered us in 1911 a virgin field between Ollantaytambo and Huadquiña and enabled us to learn that the Incas, or their predecessors, had once lived here in the remote fastnesses of the Andes, and had left stone witnesses of the magnificence and beauty of their ancient civilization, more interesting and extensive than any which have been found since the days of the Spanish Conquest of Peru.

Abandoned, about 1300, when Cuzco once more flashed into glory as the capital of the Peruvian Empire, it seems to have been again sought out in time of trouble, when in 1534 another foreign invader arrivedthis time from Europewith a burning desire to extinguish all vestiges of the ancient religion.

He tells his pupils that the great globe of manasa once filled all space, and there was nothing else.

There seems little doubt that the worthy Mr. Boteler at once recognised a wily move on the part of the King, who under the cover of general tolerance would foster the growth of the Roman religion until such time as the Catholics had attained sufficient power to suppress Protestantism.

He therefore set out at once for London to obtain satisfaction from his Sovereign.

The townsfolk decided that they had had enough of Mayors, for on November 16 in the same autumn Scarborough was once more placed under the control of two Bailiffs, as had been the case previous to 1684.

" He was so skillful in hunting that once he brought down a huge boar with a single blow.

Joel's heart went out to Stephen Remsen at once.

" The two elevens were trotting out on the field once more, and Joel stood up in the hope that Blair might see him and decide to take him on.

I took some lessons once in power of willconcentration and all that sort of thing.

"I'm going at once.

65360 examples of  once  in sentences