385477 examples of one in sentences

For 40 centimes one may purchase a bottle of vin de gard, a thin tipple, doubtless; but what kind of claret could one buy for fourpence a quart at home?

A two-franc tree, had Grand'mere possessed one, would have been Brobdignagian and pretentious.

They had lost their air of aloofness and were at one with the white earth, just as the forest trees in their autumn dress of brown and russet appear more in unison with their parent soil than when decked in their bravery of summer greenery.


I used to dream that the city that saw my birth would one day swell with pride at my name, adding it to the brilliant list of her illustrious sons, and, when death should put an end to my existence, that they would lay me down to dream the golden dream of immortality on the banks of the Bétis, whose praises I should have sung in splendid odes, and in that very spot where I used to go so often to hear the sweet murmur of its waves.

Any strong vowel dominates a weak one.

One born on that day might have particular aptitude for witchcraft.]

Turning about, or getting up for water or tobacco, or perhaps to put fuel on the fire, they unluckily tread on a snake, or during sleep they roll over on one.

Friends from other districts, from up country, from Calcutta, gather together; and as the weather is bracing and cool, and every one determined to enjoy himself, the meet is one of the pleasantest of reunions.

Friends from other districts, from up country, from Calcutta, gather together; and as the weather is bracing and cool, and every one determined to enjoy himself, the meet is one of the pleasantest of reunions.

Every factory had at least one bit of likely jungle close by, where a pig could always be found.

The breaks of open land between the jungles are too small and narrow to afford galloping space, and though you turn the pig out of one patch of jungle, he immediately finds safe shelter in the next.

On one occasion I was very rudely made aware of this trait.

To this it was replied by the consuls, that they could not leave the enemy without detriment to the public; that it would be better, therefore, that the election should be held by an interrex, than that one of the consuls should be called away from the war.

And I could wish that what I am about to bring before you, were stated at Canusium, before the army itself, the best witness of every man's cowardice or valour; or at least that one person, Publius Sempronius, were here, whom had they followed as their leader, they would this day have been soldiers in the Roman camp, and not prisoners in the power of the enemy.

fortune should take any turn, do you hope to obtain that peace when we shall be vanquished which no one is willing to grant now we are victorious.

Out of the five hundred and seventy who formed the garrison, almost one half were destroyed by sword or famine; the rest returned safe to Praeneste with their praetor Manicius, who had formerly been a scribe.

Extend the arms toward the person addressed, one hand open, palm to the front, resting on the other hand, fist closed.

FORWARD, HALF STEP, HALT, and MARK TIME may be executed one from the other in quick or double time.

Then it dropped and became aimless and erratic, puffing gently first from one quarter and then another.

The net was full of mud and slime and small oysters, with here and there a large one.

"No one's ever yet gone any farther with me than I wanted!"

And they're all crazy to dress meBertha Shallum will tell you so: she says no one ever had such a chance!

The value of one was fixed at $1000, and the other at $800; which sums are to be re-imbursed to their respective owners out of the state treasury."

Reader, as we proceed to these extracts, remember our motto'True humanity consists not in a squeamish ear.' Mr. P. ABDIE, of New Orleans, advertises in the New Orleans Bee, of January 29, 1838, for one of his female slaves, as follows; "Ranaway, the negro wench named Betsey, aged about 22 years, handsome-faced, and good countenance; having the marks of the whip behind her neck, and SEVERAL OTHERS ON HER RUMP.

385477 examples of  one  in sentences