53 examples of one-man in sentences

In our expression we are like large-scale manufacturing plants rather than one-man establishments.

She's goin' to be a 'one-man' horse th' same as Captain Jack.

the Greek exclaimed, clenching his hairy fists, while his mouth twitched with passion, "that filly's got to be kept out of the sweepstakes someway or other" "You can't get to her, I tell you," Gyp said sullenly, then with a look of cunning suddenly coming into his eyes: "They say she's a one-man brute like the stallionnobody can ride her but th' Ramblin' Kid," significantly looking at Sabota.

One-Man Power 6. Mental Attitude 7.

One-Man Power Every successful concern is the result of a One-Man Power.

Way I know it's a 'they,' is because the job of diggin' is bigger than a one-man job.

In addition to the poem "Hero and Leander," to which we have referred,[140] Marlowe is famous for four dramas, now known as the Marlowesque or one-man type of tragedy, each revolving about one central personality who is consumed by the lust of power.

(3) Shakespeare's Predecessors, Lyly, Kyd, Nash, Peele, Greene, Marlowe; the types of drama with which they experimented,the Marlowesque, one-man type, or tragedy of passion, the popular Chronicle plays, the Domestic drama, the Court or Lylian comedy, Romantic comedy and tragedy, Classical plays, and the Melodrama.

Why are they called one-man plays?

With these he passes at a bound from one-man stories, portrait studies of eccentric characters in a remote or restricted environment, to group subjects, chosen from centres of life and culture in Christiania.

A hundred years ago our legislators and constitution-makers were much afraid of what was called the "one-man power."

He was in turn a one-man-business, a railway-porter, a coal-miner, a farmer, a NORTHCLIFFE leader-writer, a taxi-baron, a jazz-professor and a non-union barber.

The Firewasps were small, tremendously fast and amazingly maneuverable one-man ships that had been concentrated in several SE bases in the Asteroid Belt.

Charles Addams (A); 2Jun69; R462671. Japanese fishermen taking in their nets, the catch included a one-man submarine.

How to run a one-man poultry farm.

Benjamin Harrow (A); 18Mar68; R431648. HARSCH, JOSEPH C. Hitler's Reich, a one-man concept.

Charles Addams (A); 2Jun69; R462671. Japanese fishermen taking in their nets, the catch included a one-man submarine.

How to run a one-man poultry farm.

As to loss of time due to illness, the experience of Germany shows an average of eight or nine days a year per worker, which figure, applied to those gainfully employed in America, would mean nearly 300,000,000 days of illness, or 1,000,000 one-man working years, causing a loss estimated to be $750,000,000 annually.


To-day I suppose I have made the biggest one-man killing in the history of 'the Street.'

The result showed the power the agrarian feeling of Unionism and of one-man-one-vote.

Under it the one-man-one-vote was carried to its complete issue by the clause providing for one man one registration; that is to say, that no voter could register on more than one roll.

The German Government is a one-man affair.

But it has been urged by those who object to the exercise of this undoubted constitutional power that it assails the representative principle and the capacity of the people to govern themselves; that there is greater safety in a numerous representative body than in the single Executive created by the Constitution, and that the Executive veto is a "one-man power," despotic in its character.

53 examples of  one-man  in sentences