4 examples of onn in sentences

The evenynge commes, and brynges the dewe alonge; The roddie welkynne sheeneth to the eyne; Arounde the alestake Mynstrells synge the songe; Yonge ivie rounde the doore poste do entwyne; I laie mee onn the grasse; yette, to mie wylle, Albeytte alle ys fayre, there lackethe somethynge stylle.

The bryghtt enamell of the mornyng's gleame Begann to daunce onn bobblynge Avonn's streame, As yothefull Alfrede and Matylda fayre Stoode sorowynge bie, ennobledd bie despayre: Att tymes theyr lypps the tynts of Autumpe wore, Att tymes a palerr hewe thann wynterr bore; And faste the rayne of love bedew'dd theyr eyne, As thos, in earnefull strayns, theyr tenes theie dyd bewreene.

Palerr thann cloudes thatt stayne the azure nyghtt, Or starrs thatt shoote beneathe theyr feeble lyghtt, And eke as crymson as the mornyng's rode, The lornlie payre inn dumbe dystracyon stoode Whann onn the banke Matylda sonke and dyed, And Alfrede plong'dd hys daggerr inn hys syde: Hys purpell soule came roshynge fromm the wounde,

A syllable is short, when the vowel is quickly joined to the succeeding letter; as, '~art, b~onn~et, h~ung~er.'"Ib., p. 166.

4 examples of  onn  in sentences