408 examples of oozed in sentences

And he patted Beltane's mailed shoulder, what time blood oozed from his steel gauntlet and his sobbing charger hung weary head and snorted purple foam.

In the centre of the room was a table, and a huddled up figure was lying beside it, in a dark pool of blood which had oozed into the carpet.

He groaned as the blood oozed anew from his side, then pleaded with me to help him find the pictureto look under him and all about on the ground.

And the thorns pierced into her flesh, and her blood oozed out in great drops.

These little spaces, in health, are filled with fluid that has oozed out of the blood-vessels.

" With this the stranger slid from the chair, opened the door part way, and oozed into the hall.

Blood from that cut had dribbled and oozed over the major portion of the bartender's face and shirt.

There was a little more inside his fingers, and between them, as if it had oozed through and then had spread over his knuckles.

The money had melted awayit had oozed out of her pocketsat cards, on the race-course, in reckless gifts to servants and people, at fancy fairs, for trifles bought here and there by the way-side, as it were, for the sake of buying.

Streams that still kept the color and the coolness of the snow-fields from which they oozed, foamed over the stones into the chasm at the bottom.

All the pools on the farms, the standing water in the ditches, the water that oozed between the tufts in marshes and swampsall were in motion and tried to find their way to creeks, that they might be borne along to the sea.

"It'll all have oozed out of his fingertips this time to-morrow.

Always before, there had been misty exhalations from it, that oozed up into the sunshine of his fancy, and that took all the shapes of glisten or of gloom which his Protean genius gave them.

and while his life-blood oozed from the gaping wound and flowed over his tattered garments to the deck, the same exultant smile beamed on his ghastly features!

Don't you see, or long to see, that mysterious magic tree out of whose pores oozed this fine solidified sunshine?

In about twenty-four hours after his stomach has been filled with honey, thin plates of wax appear on the scales of his abdomen, having oozed through eight little openings in the scales and there hardened.

Now the naughty brother had a sharp pin in his hand, and he thrust it into the balloon, and all the gas oozed out, so that there was nothing left but a shrivelled skin.

Mud oozed from the sandbags, through the wire netting, and between the wooden supports which held the walls in place.

Water oozed in through her dry seams.

At last we descended a canyon, and decided to camp in a level spot where several ravines met, in one of which a tiny stream of dear water oozed out of the gravel.

Out of these incisions oozed the gummy juice of the tree, and from this was made the frankincense.

The pitiful feat of the man who crawled up at the rate of seventeen miles an hour was quite discounted by the stories of those who would have made it in half that time if their power had not oozed out in the first hundred yards.

Day by day Josiah's strange actions continued, and at intervals growin' still more and more frequent and continuous he acted, till at last the truth oozed out of him like water out of a tub that has been filled too full, it wuz after an extra good meal that he confided in me.

It was discovered that their poisoned arrows contained a kind of liquid which oozed out when the point broke.

"Water, water!" was the only intelligible cry that left her lips, and that we had to give was warm and brackish, from the occasional lapping of the sea against the barrels, into which it oozed insensibly.

408 examples of  oozed  in sentences