283 examples of orchid in sentences

A species of ground moss is also styled in Germany the "devil's claws;" one of the orchid tribe is "Satan's hand;" the lady's fingers is "devil's claws," and the plantain is "devil's head."

A common enough orchid in these parts is the false lady's slipper (Epipactis gigantea), one that springs up by any water where there is sufficient growth of other sorts to give it countenance.

Indeed, the history of all life, vegetable and animal, of bacillus, elephant, orchid, gorilla, as well as of man is the history of a searching for freedom.

Wait till you have seen Smithson's house in Park Lanehis team, his yacht, his orchid houses in Berkshire.' Lesbia sighed.

Such, I am informed, is the method whereby the flytrap orchid achieves a satisfying meal.

All things come to him who, sedulously acting the orchid's part, vegetates and bides his time.

The carnivorous orchid was having a good day and keeping its own counsel as a sensible orchid expectant of continued patronage should do.

The carnivorous orchid was having a good day and keeping its own counsel as a sensible orchid expectant of continued patronage should do.

There in the seat where I was wont to pursue my even tenor as an orchid slumbered Martin Dyke, amateur desecrator of other men's houses, challenger of the wayward fates, fanatic of a will-o'-the-wisp pursuit, desperate adventurer in the uncharted realms of love; and in his face, turned toward the polychromatic abominations of the house, so soon to be deserted, was all the pathos and all the beauty of illusion-haunted youth.

The look of scorn which she bent upon me would have withered incontinently anything less hardy than a butterfly-devouring orchid.

He came with his easy, tripping stride, self-satisfied, red-faced, tastefully dressed, an orchid in his buttonhole.

*** Orchids were sold for as little as two-pence each at a recent sale, and alarmed growers are clamouring for the immediate appointment of an Orchid Controller.

We have learned the beauty of the orchid, but surely we have not unlearned the rose; and would you say that orchid or rose is more beautiful than the lily?

We have learned the beauty of the orchid, but surely we have not unlearned the rose; and would you say that orchid or rose is more beautiful than the lily?

The trees were all dusted with the green spangles of high spring, the hedges were full of stitchwort and campion and the woods of blue hyacinths and purple orchid; and everywhere there was a great noise of birdsthrushes, blackbirds, robins, finches, and many moreand in one warm corner of the park some bracken was unrolling, and there was a leaping and rushing of fallow deer.

The wild orchid.

The wild orchid.

The wild orchid.

The orchid hunters.

An orchid for Izzy, by Leonard Q. Ross, pseud.

R680735. Home orchid growing.

" The next few days he was indeed singularly busy in his steamy little hothouse, fussing about with charcoal, lumps of teak, moss, and all the other mysteries of the orchid cultivator.

Then, there are flowers of noble lineage like the orchid, so delicate and charming, at once cold and palpitating, exotic flowers exiled in the heated glass palaces of Paris, princesses of the vegetable kingdom living in solitude, having absolutely nothing in common with the street plants and other bourgeois flora.

He could not remove his eyes from this unnatural orchid which had been brought from India.

He felt that he would do well to mistrust it and he almost regretted having admitted, among the scentless plants, this orchid which evoked the most disagreeable memories.

283 examples of  orchid  in sentences