53557 examples of order in sentences

An order of mendicant friars founded in 1528 by Matteo di Bassi, and named from the pointed capouch or cowl that distinguishes their dress.

comunidad, f., community, order; en , by ourselves; with only the members of the order present.

comunidad, f., community, order; en , by ourselves; with only the members of the order present.

disponer, to dispose, order, direct, arrange, prepare, get ready; refl., to prepare, get ready, proceed, be about to; to be arranged (or projected).

distintivo, m., distinction, badge, order. distinto, -a, distinct, different, various. distraction, f., diversion, amusement.

Having hauled the ships of war on shore at Carale, and armed his mariners, in order that he might prosecute the war by land, and received the army from the praetor, he made up the number of twenty-two thousand foot and twelve hundred horse.

It happened that Hampsicora was then gone among the Sardinians, called Pelliti, in order to arm their youth, whereby he might augment his forces.

In order to surprise and overpower him, Appius Claudius, having hastily led his troops to Messana, under pretext of making the circuit of the province, crossed over to Locri, the tide being favourable.

This conference deprived Hannibal of the hope of gaining Nola by treachery; he therefore completely invested the city, in order that he might attack the walls in every part at once.

He said, "he wished to know the truth, in order that before he made up his mind, he might determine which he should espouse as offering the better prospect."

For his own part, in order to frustrate the designs of the Syracusans, he collected all his forces on the boundary of the province and the kingdom.

The dilatoriness of Hannibal was in proportion to the expedition which the consul used in every thing he did in order to preoccupy Nola.

But now the pledge given by the state being redeemed, lest all distinction between courage and cowardice should disappear, I shall order that the names of those persons be laid before me, who, conscious of their dastardly conduct in the battle, have lately seceded.

Nor was the attention of the censors confined to the regulation of the senate and the equestrian order.

If any thing was bought or laid in for the widows and minors, an order upon the quaestor was given for it.

The commander was Statius Metius, who was sent there by Cneius Magius Atellanus, who was that year Medixtuticus and was arming the slaves and people without distinction, in order to assault the Roman camp, while the consul was intently occupied in the siege of Casilinum.

If this were the case, she entreated that they would banish them far from Syracuse and Sicily, and order them to be conveyed to Alexandria, the wife to her husband, the daughters to their father.

And when Appius began to station his ships at the mouth of the port, in order to inspire the other party with courage, their false insinuations appeared to receive great corroboration; and on the first impulse, the populace had even run down in a disorderly manner to prevent them from disembarking.

Marcellus marched with his entire forces against Leontini, having sent for Appius also, in order that he might attack it in another quarter; when, such was the ardour of the troops in consequence of the indignation they felt at the Roman guards being put to the sword during the negotiations for a peace, that they took the town by storm on the first assault.

Lastly, in order that his own men might heap their weapons upon the enemy, without receiving any wounds themselves, he perforated the wall from the top to the bottom with a great number of loop-holes, about a cubit in diameter, through which some with arrows, others with scorpions of moderate size, assailed the enemy without being seen.

Cneius Scipio, setting out with a legion lightly equipped, in order to bring succour to his allies and the garrison, entered the city, passing between the two camps of the enemy, and slaying a great number of them.

After they had secured possession of the gate, they placed cornet-players in the street at equal distances, and desired them to sound, in order to call the consul.

A low order of sacrificers and soothsayers had enslaved men's understandings, and the numbers of these were increased by the country people, whom want and terror had driven into the city, from the fields which were lain uncultivated during a protracted war, and had suffered from the incursions of the enemy, and by the profitable cheating in the ignorance of others which they carried on like an allowed and customary trade.

But you do not have to "see" anything, any more than you have to visualize Liege in order to learn the facts of its geography.

In this situation his foot had frozen, and mortified, and having been removed from place to place, he was yesterday brought here by order of his new master, who was an American.

53557 examples of  order  in sentences