34 examples of ordinal in sentences

The whole lapse of geological time has as yet yielded not a single new ordinal type of vegetable structure.

There is no known extinct order of Birds, and no certainly known extinct order of Mammals, the ordinal distinctness of the "Toxodontia" being doubtful.

almost all those respecting which we possess sufficient information, are referable to the same sub-ordinal groups as the existing Lepidosteus, Polypterus, and Sturgeon; and that a singular relation obtains between the older and the younger Fishes; the former, the Devonian Ganoids, being almost all members of the same sub-order as Polypterus, while the Mesozoic Ganoids are almost all similarly allied to Lepidosteus.

But the multiplicity of ordinal preferences, second, third, fourth, fifth, up to tenth, which the single transferable vote system would involve, will require a more scientific handling in party interests, and neither party will be able to face an election with any hope of success without the assistance of the most drastic form of caucus and without its orders being carried out by the electors.

Abbreviations of weights and measures in common use, figures, decimal points, bars of division, and in ordinal numbers the affixes "st," "d," "nd," "rd," and "th" will be each counted as one word.

4.The Numeral Adjectives are of three kinds, namely, cardinal, ordinal, and multiplicative: each kind running on in a series indefinitely.

5.A cardinal numeral denotes the whole number, but the corresponding ordinal denotes only the last one of that number, or, at the beginning of a series, the first of several or many.

An ordinal number answers to the question, "Which one?"

All the ordinal numbers, except first, second, third, and the compounds of these, as twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, are formed directly from the cardinal numbers by means of the termination th.

That is, of every compound ordinal number, the last term only is ordinal in form.

That is, of every compound ordinal number, the last term only is ordinal in form.

It is to be observed, too, that as our ordinal numeral first, denoting the one which begins a series, and having reference of course to more, is an adjective of the superlative degree, equivalent to foremost, of which it is perhaps a contraction; so last likewise, though no numeral, is a superlative also.

In specifying any part of a series, we ought rather to place the cardinal number after the ordinal.

[FORMULE.Not proper, because the cardinal numbers, three and four are put before the ordinal first.

7th, page 280th, "In specifying any part of a series, we ought to place the cardinal number after the ordinal."

Thus the ordinal adjectives, first, second, third, next, and last, may qualify the cardinal numbers, but they cannot very properly be qualified by them.

When, therefore, we specify any part of a series, the cardinal adjective ought, by good right, to follow the ordinal, and not, as in the following phrase, be placed before it: "In reading the nine last chapters of John.

"The Ordinal [numerals] denote the order or succession in which any number of persons or things is mentioned, as first, second, third, fourth, &c."Hiley's Gram., p. 22.

"The Ordinal numerals denote the order, or succession, in which any number of persons or things are mentioned; as, first, second, third, fourth, &c."Hiley cor.

Cardinal numeral, distinguished from its corresponding ordinal, should follow the ordinal, in a specification of a part of a series, ("The first TWO,").

Cardinal numeral, distinguished from its corresponding ordinal, should follow the ordinal, in a specification of a part of a series, ("The first TWO,").

Numbers, cardinal, ordinal, &c., (see Cardinal Numbers, &c.)

Ordinal numeral, (see Numerals.)

Ordinal adjectives may qualify card.

The ordinal numbers should have no adverbial form: "firstly," "secondly," and the rest are words without meaning.

34 examples of  ordinal  in sentences