17 examples of organdies in sentences

I have known a woman to go on wearing pink organdie after she has passed forty, and I have known a woman to go on caring for a man who, she knew, wasn't worth caring for, long after he had forgotten.

"I've got the ten dollars grandpa sent me, and with eight of it I'm going to buy Lizzie King's organdie muslin.

I thought this organdie would be more comfortable and appropriate this warm day.

Be she grave or gay in after-life, wanton or pious or sullen, comely or otherwise, there will be no possible chance of incongruity; whether she develop a taste for winter-gardens or the higher mathematics, whether she take to golf or clinging organdies, the event is provided for.

Hadn't he told her four years agoit was the first day she had ever worn the white organdie dotted with purple sprigs, and they sat by the lake so late that afternoon that Frederick R. Woods finally sent for them to come to dinnerhadn't he told her then that only women and children cared for sweet wines?



Augusta won't let us get out organdies, but we're determined on the blue grenadines.

I think it was a white swiss or a blue organdie, or a challis, or a bombazine, I can't just exactly remember.

For from the very instant that her eye rested upon the figure of the girl in pink organdie dress and big hat she knew something was wrong.

But she sank back in the chair, as if that one thing left at the center pulled her back, crying out that if it could but have a little more time there The girl in blue linen was sitting at the feet of the girl in pink organdie.

She went to the closet and took out the organdie dress and satin slippers.

San Francisco is essentially an out-of-door city, with three hundred odd days of clement weather, made for the display of light raiment, whether it be organdie dresses, sports togs or afternoon frocks.

In his more modern aspect he tells you that a girl at the Junior Promenade had on a blue dress with feathers around her neckwhich you must translate into meaning anything from blue satin to organdie, and that between dances she wore a feather boa.

Her pretty blue organdie was on the bed ready to put on.

The blue organdie had seen the day at last, and she was in such a flutter of delight at the coming of the gentlemen that she could scarcely be recognized as the pale, flimsy young person who had moped so unblushingly all the week.

The others came up there, and Kilian, as soon as he could get out of the meshes of the blue organdie, came to me, and tried to out-devotion Richard.

17 examples of  organdies  in sentences